Re: Add var element to the xmlspec DTD

Thanks for suggesting this.  A "syntactic metavariable" element has been on
my own wishlist for a long time (you'll see it's mentioned in the issues
list), and I think there's enough motivation to add it now.  I'll put it
into the next revision.


At 01:39 PM 8/16/99 +0700, James Clark wrote:
>One HTML element that I really find I miss in the xmlspec DTD is the var
>element. I usually work around this using emph.  Here's a sample of the
>sort of thing I would like to use var for but now use emph:
>For each node <emph>x</emph> in this node-set, the second operand is
>evaluated with <emph>x</emph> as the context node and 1 as the context
>position and 1 as the context size; the result in each case must be a
>node-set. For each node <emph>y</emph> in this node-set, a range is
>added to the result node-set of the <nt
>def="NT-RangeExpr">RangeExpr</nt>; the starting end-point of the range
>is the starting end-point of the covering range of <emph>x</emph>; the
>ending end-point of the range is the ending end-point of the covering
>range of <emph>y</emph>.

Received on Monday, 16 August 1999 08:18:46 UTC