- From: 深圳绿盟科技 <sales@szlumeng888.com>
- Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2002 11:28:09 +0800
- To: smil-editors@w3.org
我们公司推出网站套餐服务,包括1个国际顶级域名,5个E_mail,100M虚拟主机,加3个页面的网页制作,一共500元。 同时我们还有企业邮局,虚拟主机,动态域名,木马检测,网络安全等业务。 您可以访问我们的网站获得更多信息:http://www.szlumeng.com . 如果打扰了您,请您多多包涵! 祝您 万事如意! 深圳市绿盟科技开发有限公司 0755-83252720,83252964 SALES@SZLUMENG.COM We provide web site suite,include 1 domain(.com) 5E_mail and 100M Virtual host,and 3 pages design ,in total value $200.00 . We also provide Virtual host in China .We will help you to make propaganda for your product in China. Please visit us to get more http://www.szlumeng.com . Tel: 86-755-83252720 Fax:86-755-83252964 sales@szlumeng.com If this E-mail interrupt you ,please delete it ,and we say sorry to you!
Received on Tuesday, 26 November 2002 22:34:55 UTC