- From: <dhwy@billion-dh.com>
- Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 11:48:39 +0800
- To: smil-editors@w3.org
广州大华伟业投资管理公司为您: 连通企业项目融资管道 创造资本裂变全新模块 处置盘活各类不良资产 筑政府区域经济宏图 大华属美国百亿金融集团子公司,连通 全球数百家投资公司,百亿资金待投中国。 现征求全国地市级业务代理商。 大华选择有能力的代理商进行投资,开办 分公司,建立共同网站,共享利益。大华 业务十分广泛,生意必将兴旺,因为百亿 大华本身就是投资商。我们优秀的人才, 雄厚的资金助您事业成功! Http://www.billion-dh.com 点击大华网站,财富必然来 E-mail:gzping@pub.Guangzhou.gd.cn 联系人:李先生 手机:13178866699 直线电话:020-83859798 _____________________________________________________________ DHWY's Services: http://www.billion-dh.com/en/serviceen.htm Background & Services of DHWY Guang zhou DHWY Investment Administer Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Billion Finance Holding Group(U.S.A.) which consist of several major enterprises and financial group. At present, in the States, there are Billion Fundation, Oscar Crasson Group , American Wall S.T. Financial Group and Meilin Investment Bank to cooperate together with total assets of USD 70 billion. In Asia, they invested USD 3.2 billion to road, energy, resource and high advanced technology. BFHG has its headquarters in New York and maintains many enterprises and branches all over the world. Over the year, Billion Group has been engaged in business in the United States, Canada, Hong Kong, Macao and the other parts of the world, enjoying a high fame for its steady financial standing and distinguished reputation. Its diversified business covers finance, investment management, traffic, energy resources, development of mines, culture, education and the acquisition of qualified Chinese enterprises for listing overseas stock market. DHWY decides to take an active part in Chinese market on the base of abundant funds and planning to extend our services to different line in China. At present,we offering following services according to Chinese current situation. A. Funds management: to be trusted to manage domestic and foreign investment funds (securities investment, risk investment, property investment) B. Trust management of assets: to be trusted to keep value, add value and cash the target enterprises and assets C. Resource development: risk investment of high technological industry, acquiring highways in large scale, seeking and developing new scenic spot, competing mining right and constructing right of urban gas-supply network in China, we also have donating right for public welfare and offering career training and design for special talent, etc. D. Enterprise management consulting: enterprise assessment, composing business plan and offering training courses to enterprise. E. Investment bank service: assets reorganization, capital reorganization, enterprise annexation and transformation. listing package in domestic and overseas stock market, property right transaction. F. Investment consulting: investment in stock market and forward exchange transaction, overseas investment consulting for domestic enterprise, guiding international capital in Chinese project, individual's investment consulting , emigration and labor export consulting. Above all, DHWY is a producer specialized in capital conducting system with strong financing capability, and is supported by international financial group. We have a well-organized sales network all over the world and experienced in operating capital. We keep good relationship between high-level officials of the China's central government. We are not a single solutions provider, Our services covered design, installation, pilot running, maintenance, monitoring, renewal, etc. We believe that the market rule of DHWY will affect everyone's modes of thought in the 21st century. 邮编(Post): 510050 电话: (86)020-83858587、(86)020-83858588、(86)020-83855826 传真: (86)020-883856488 ------------------------------------------------------- 广州大华伟业投资管理有限公司 Guang zhou DHWY Investment Administer Co., Ltd., 地址:广州市东风东路555号粤海集团大厦2104室 Address:Room 2104,Guangdong Holdings Tower,555Dongfeng Rd,E Guangzhou,China 邮编(Post):510050 网址:http://www.billion-dh.com 信箱(email):webmaster@billion-dh.com( web site 网站) public@billion-dh.com ( public 公共) 电话(Tel):020-83858588/83858587/83855826 传真(Fax):020-83856488 ------------------------------------------------------- 大华伟业,千亿资产,上万个大型项目; 只要成功一个,您将成为亿万富翁!
Received on Thursday, 21 November 2002 22:50:47 UTC