Check this out

Hi. I picked up your email address while going through my personal address book on my computer. You may not know me, but we must have a mutual business associate or friend that addressed both of us on an email and that is how I got your email address.

There is a new Internet venture that I’m involved in, and prior to advertising to the general public, we’re providing our personal contacts with a preview.

The site is called RaffleWorks and offers amazing prizes like computers, video game consoles, and big screen TV’s. With limited entries, the odds of winning are great. Be quick to check it out at the link below. 

Be sure to visit the Double-Double section of the site. If you tell someone else to visit us and they win, you will win the same prize (currently a 50" Mitsubishi HDTV!).

The web address is 



Received on Wednesday, 30 October 2002 05:47:38 UTC