- From: <market@jiazhuang.com>
- Date: Tue Oct 22 10:21:18 2002
- To: smil-editors@w3.org
Dear Sir or Madam: Mandated by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China, Guangzhou Hi-tech Incubation Center will conduct International Training Course on Computer Aided Design (CAD) of City Planning, Architecture Design and Interior Decoration. This training course will be held in Guangzhou from Nov. 10th to 24th, 2002. Its curricula consist of theory course, case study and professional investigation. The Chinese Government will cover the expenditure of accommodation, local transportation and training expense during the training course in Guangzhou for the participant. International traveling expense will be borne by the participants themselves. Enclosed are the first round admission notice for the training course and an Application Form. Welcome to joint us. We are looking forward to your reply. The deadline is June 30th, 2002. Truly yours, Guangzhou Hi-tech Incubation Center Mr.Lichun_Xu Mr.Jialin_Yan The Training Course of MOST The Ministry of Science and Technology The People's Republic of China International Training Course on Computer Aided Design (CAD) of City Planning, Architecture Design and Interior Decoration NOV. 10th to 24th, 2002 Guangzhou, China Sponsored by Department of International Cooperation of MOST Organized by Guangzhou Hi-tech Incubation Center INTRODUCTION The Ministry of Science and Technology of China is a governmental department that is responsible for the formulation and implementation of national science and technology R&D plans. One of its important missions is to strength international cooperation in science and technology training workshop/courses, especially with developing countries. Since 1989, international technical training workshop/courses on various subjects have been conducted in China every year under the auspices of Ministry of Science and Technology of China as a part of its international scientific and technological cooperation programs. The International Training Courses on Computer Aided Design (CAD) of City Planning, Architecture Design and Interior Decoration will be organized by Guangzhou Hi-tech Incubation Center in Guangzhou city on Nov. 10th to 24th, 2002. The training course will be supported by China Association for International S&T Cooperation and Center of Torch Program of Ministry of Science and Technology of China. Training Course Description 1. Objectives 1) To introduce the achievement of research and development on software in China; 2) To display the technology developed by Chinese on Computer Aided Design (CAD) of City Planning, Architecture Design and Interior Decoration; 3) To promote the bilateral cooperation and exchange on software; 2. Duration Nov.10th to 24th, 2002 3. Location South-China University of Technology and 4. Weather It is usually fine in Nov. in Guangzhou with temperature ranging from 18°C to 28 °C. 5. Working Language English STRUCTURE This training course consists of lectures, case study and salon ran by professional software designers to exchange experiences among participants. Main Courses are as followers: 1. The development trend on CAD of architecture industry in China; 2. The Characteristic on CAD of Chinese architecture industry and its adaptability to developing countries; 3. The effectively method to extend computer application software and experience; 4. The theory, application, maintenance and technical support on computer application software of architecture industry; 5. Professional investigation and practice; QUALIFICATION Applicants should 1. have a Bachelor's Degree 2. have a good experience in the field of CAD and relative software trade on City Planning, Architecture Design and Interior Decoration, also skillful in operating CAD. 3. be capable of speaking and writing in English 4. be in good health APPLICATION 1. Applicants should complete the enclosed Application Form with signature, your resume as well as brief introduction about your organization. Application Form should return back to the organizer before OCT 31, 2002. 2. Submit the Application Form with a health certificate, which must be valid, provided by authorized physician or hospital. EXPENSES 1. International travel expenses of round trip ticket between participants' hometown and Guangzhou will be borne by the participants themselves. 2. Registration fee is not necessary. 3. Chinese government will cover the expenditure of local accommodation, local transportation and training expenses during the training courses for the participants from developing countries and economy transition countries. 4. Participants should bear their own medical fee by themselves during the training courses. CERTIFICATE Participants who have completed the study in the training course will be awarded a certificate jointly issued by the Department of International Cooperation of Ministry of S&T of China and Guangzhou Hi-tech Incubation Center. INFORMATION ABOUT GZHTIC Guangzhou High-Tech Incubation Center (GZHTIC) established in 1991 as a state-owned, non-profit organization under the direct jurisdiction of Guangzhou Municipal Science & Technology Bureau was the first science and technology incubation center set up in Guangdong Province. GZHTIC located on Tianhe Dong Road, which is in the center of Tianhe District, has an office space of 11,000m2 with complete services facilities. With a convenient transportation network and surrounded by universities and technology research institutes. It provides services for enterprises from China and abroad in the following aspects: 1. Technological Support Services; 2. Financing and Investment Services; 3. Communion and Training Services; 4. Commercial and Information Service; For more information, please contact with: Mr. Lichun_Xu Jialin_Yan Address: Guangzhou Hi-tech Incubation Center Room 201, No. 242 of Tianhe Dong Road, Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province, China Zip Code: 510620 Tel: 0086-20-85514199, 87598339 Fax: 0086-20-87502970, 85520676 E-mail: vanessa@ghtic.org.cn jialin@chinaweal.com APPLICATION FORM The International Training Courses on Computer Aided Design (CAD) of City Planning, Architecture Design and Interior Decoration Name: Family Name_____________ Given Name____________ Sex: Male Female (please delete as appropriate) Date and Place of Birth_____________________________________ Photo Nationality_______________________ Religion_________________ Occupation_______________________ Marital Status ____________ Postal Address______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ _ Zip Code________________________ Telephone_______________________________ Fax_____________________________ E-mail__________________________________ Health___________________________ Passport Number_________________________ Valid up to ___________________ _ Language ability of English (Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor) ______Read____________Write__________Speak____________Communicate________ Education (name of university or equivalent, degree obtained and major study) Working Experiences (short summary of professional work) Present Status Name and address of the current employer______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Any requirement or suggestion to the training courses Signature of Applicant__________________ Date__________________ Remarks: Please write in standard typography "城市规划、建筑设计和室内装修计算机辅助设计(CAD)国际培训班" 招生简章 由科技部国际合作司主办、广州市高新技术创业服务中心承办,中国国际科学技术合作协会、中国科学技术部火炬产业发展中心、广州市科学技术局,广州市软件行业协会协办的"城市规划、建筑设计和室内装修计算机辅助设计(CAD)国际培训班"拟于2002年11月10日在广州市举办,为期15天。 I.教学安排: 1.本次培训班的培训目标定为:在较短的时间内,通过针对特定学员专门设计的培训内容和教学,使学员了解中国软件行业的发展水平和优势,了解我国"城市规划、建筑设计和室内装修计算机辅助设计(CAD)软件"的先进性、实用性和性能价格比优势,掌握上述软件的强大功能、应用方式和普及推广前景,学会基本操作,上机完成一、二个应用实例。 2.培训地点:拟在华南理工大学逸夫楼及中望龙腾科技发展有限公司设在南海的培训中心。 3.培训内容:"城市规划、建筑设计和室内装修计算机辅助设计(CAD)",将分成四部分进行教学:国产CAD软件开发平台、城市规划CAD软件、建筑设计CAD软件及室内装修CAD软件。 4.教学内容: 1)中国软件发展和建筑CAD概论; 2)国产CAD软件开发平台; 3)建立在国产CAD开发平台上的建筑CAD软件; 4)室内装修CAD软件; 5)城市规划、园林设计CAD软件 5.教学实践: 教学实践的内容包括: 1)认识实习:参观广州市容、城市规划、园林山水城市建设;优秀住宅小区的规划、建筑和装修;广州科学城的规划,广州市的远景规划。 2)上机实习:由于主题技术针对性较强,因此将采用演式性的教学法,通过上机操作与课堂教学结合。 6.学员对象: 1) 学员须来自亚、非、拉美洲的发展中国家和前独联体国家、东欧各国,原则上每个国家的学员人数不超过4人。经科技部国际合作司批准,本培训班允许招收极少量的港、澳、台地区学员(2~3名)。发达国家学员要求参加培训,费用自理。 2) 学员应具备大学学历,有在城市规划、室内装修及建筑设计CAD行业及相关行业的工作经验,能用英语交流,懂计算机操作,年龄最好在45岁以下(但不做特别限制)。 3) 对于建筑、装饰工程公司的技术官员、相关行业协会组织的技术推广人员、相关软件经销公司的经理人员、技术支持人员和政府相关主管部门的技术管理官员优先招收录取。 II.费用:我方将支付学员在中国培训期间的食、宿及交通费用的开支(不包括国际长途电话费用及学员私人出游的交通及食宿费用),学员的国际旅费自理。 III.报名方式: 1.我方将通过各国驻华使(领)馆,中国驻外使(领)馆,及广东省外事办对外进行宣传并通过以上部门进行报名或通过培训班直接报名。 2.报名截止日期:2002年10月31日 Ⅳ.培训班联系报名地址: 中国广东省广州市高新技术创业服务中心(广州市天河东路242号201室) 邮编:510620 联系人:许立春 严家麟 电话: 0086-20-85514199, 87598339 传真:0086-20-87502970, 85520676 E-mail: vanessa@ghtic.org.cn jialin@chinaweal.com --------------------------- 如果这封邮件打扰您了,烦请随手删掉,并请见谅。 若您不希望再次收到我们的邮件,烦请访问以下网址: http://fumanyuan.muscenter.com/DB_Agents/user_cancel.asp?id=583&language=gb2312 ------------------------------------------------------------ 【注意】上面的邮件内容与以下文字无关。本软件仅限于合法用途。 该邮件由“国际快车”软件发送:全新网络营销软件,助您e路发达。 详情请访问我们的主页:http://tkhome1.yeah.net 免费索取试用:gzzzqq@163.com QQ:36768830
Received on Tuesday, 22 October 2002 10:21:18 UTC