- From: anthony andrew <ogadimma23@yahoo.com>
- Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 09:55:04 +0100 (BST)
- To: ogadimma23@yahoo.com
Compliments, With humble heart and spirit i commit myself this day to write to you asking for your benevolent and consideration of my plight for assistant. I am making this on behalf of my family not minding the consequences but hopeing that you will understand our predicament and come to our aid and assist us.I will also want to apologise for any inconvenience or embarrassment this might cause your person ,as we neither know each other personally nor have had any previous contact or correspondence . By deposition, i am Mrs. Roseline Fuma Wife of deceased General Daniel Fuma, who untill his unfortunate death on the 8th of february 2001 was the Director of Finance and Budgetary Control of the National Union For the Total independence of Angola (UNITA) rebel faction of Angola. My Husband was in charge of Activities between (UNITA) and her dimond trading partners worldwide mainly in Europe. Most of his activities center mainly around the dimond flown to Europe, through her conection in the Londons DeBeers central selling organisation (CSO)to dealers contracted to UNITA .The revenue from these trades was basically used for the funding of UNITA'S activities. This unfortunate incident which has left my four children and me demoralized happened at a check point in the eastern town of Lumbala,which shares a common border with Zambia. It occured when government militian men indiscriminately opened fire on my husband vehicle injuring him and two aides;my husband died two days later during treatment.Considering the ongoing intensify civil war UNITA and government,the children and I relocate to a town in namibia through the assistance of some U.N officials where i am currently. In April,2001, while going through my husband's confidential documents I discovered a certificate of deposit regading a setof tow boxes with the description of "Antique materials" in a security firm in a middle eastern country.A personal handwritten memo by my husband indicated that there was atotal of $30,000,ooo.oo as the real contents of the boxes , which was done so as to disguise the real content thereof for security reason .Presently it is safe and the contents undisclosed to the security firm. With the situation i found the children and myself,i am using this opportunity to ask for your assistants in puting up afformidable claim for the collection of this boxes from the security firm in middle east. You will be expected to invest same in your name on my behalf while maintaining my anonynity in your propose business undertaking .My situation is very desperate and I am imcabacitated by the situation, as i do not have the knowhow to handle such amount of money. I am soliciting your assistants in terms of logistics and materials to be able to move the consignment from the security firm as the consignment have incurred a substantial amount of denurrage . All document concerning the consignment are intact with me . I shall be very greatul hear from you by forwarding your response to my alternative E-mail addresses at 0gadimma23@yahoo.com or nnamdi_theo@yahoo.com,as soon as posible. Thanks for your anticipated understanding and cooperation in this respect. Yours sincerely. MRS ROSELINE FUMA. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Everything you'll ever need on one web page from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts http://uk.my.yahoo.com
Received on Friday, 18 October 2002 05:19:24 UTC