Possible error in SMIL 1.0 DTD

I couldn't find this in the list of known errors, and it looks like a 
mistake to me, although somebody who is more familiar with XML DTDs might be
able to correct me.

It relates to the href attribute of anchor elements, and I note that a
related error (omission of this attribute in section 4.5.2) has been
previously corrected.  We have:

<!ATTLIST anchor
        coords          CDATA                   #IMPLIED


<!ENTITY % smil-link-attributes "
        href            CDATA                   #REQUIRED
        show            (replace|new|pause)     'replace'

which seems to mean that every anchor element must have an href, which
contradicts example 3, presentation B and the apparent intent of 4.5.2.
If anchor elements do not need an href (i.e. they can just be link
destinations) then the attribute show should probably be optional too.

My apologies if I have misunderstood the DTD.

Nigel Chapman
MacAvon Media Productions
Avon House
Lauder TD2 6PN

Tel/Fax: +44 1578 750 376

Received on Tuesday, 16 March 1999 13:52:24 UTC