Fwd:SMIL href attribute not explicitly mentioned for anchor element

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To: hoschka@w3.org (Philipp Hoschka)
cc: Lloyd.Rutledge@cwi.nl
Subject: SMIL href attribute not explicitly mentioned for anchor element
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 1998 16:02:22 +0100
From: Lloyd Rutledge <Lloyd.Rutledge@cwi.nl>
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Content-Length: 347

Hi Philipp,

I found what I think is a minor error in the SMIL specification.
There is no formal specification in the text of the HREF attribute
being used by the <anchor> element.  There are, however, some
casual references to the attribute being used, and it is used
in the <anchor> examples.  Can we correct this for SMIL 1.0?


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