Can you help please

I am visually impaired and the web in general, over the past few years, especially this year, is becoming less accessible and much, much harder to access and read the thin, pale grey type, that web designers, appear to be utterly obsessed with. 

How can I, or you educate them with the knowledge that many older people with poor sight and millions of us, including visually impaired, cannot see these two, very poor colour contrasts as type. 

This includes race equality sites, men’s help line sites, Alzhiemers webpages, women’s refuge, domestic abuse, government webpages, NHS etc. Etc. 

I am qualified in assessing and distributing low vision aids. I have been trained as a Rehabilitation Worker by the ROYAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF THE BLIND, and have at least 35 years personal experience with visual impairment and about 7 years working with VIP. 

How can I help you to help all web designers understand, that thin grey and white type is the poorest choice of type, next to yellow on white. 

This is based on human biological and physiological facts, not likes, dislikes, fashion or fads. 

It is a simple problem to resolve, virtually guaranteed. 

Try and avoid grey and white type or reduce to a maximum of 5% of each page. 

Parts of your website are also very difficult to read. 

If you need my professional input, I will sign a contract that you pay me nothing, zero. I don’t need the money, what I need along with potentially millions of people around the world, is access to read a website. 

I have reversed polarity to turn the small, thin grey type in to white on black, but it is too thin to help. 

Please encourage any dark colour you can think of or black. 

Please respond 
Thomas Mc Kissock 

Sent from my iPhone

Received on Friday, 25 September 2020 07:04:43 UTC