Incorrect instructions for unsubscribing from a group

This is the second, equally infuriating, time that I have floundered around in misleading messages and badly designed Web pages trying to unsubscribe from a w3c dicussion list.

I am on the mailing list.  The message header in postings says:

List-Unsubscribe: <>

So I sent an e-mail to with Subject: unsubscribe.  I got back a canned message saying:

    Membership in this mailing list is restricted.

    If you have W3C Member access, please visit the following page to
    join or leave the relevant group:

    Otherwise, please visit the home page of the group in question
    to learn how to participate or provide feedback to the group.

So, problem #1: the List-Unsubscribe instructions in every posting are wrong.

I then went to and provided my username and password.  The result was a page saying:

    Sorry, Insufficient Access Privileges

    You do not have sufficient privileges to access the page that you requested. Some possible reasons:

    The level of access required for this page is inconsistent with your account.
    There is not yet an access level assigned to this page. If you have been granted rights to do so, you can try to set or change the access level for this resource using the ,access tool.

    If you still have a question, please consult the Webmaster FAQ or to find the information you are looking for please start on the W3C Home page or the W3C search page.

So, problem #2: The instructions to visit Member/Mail are wrong or inadequate.

I then went directly to the group page at .  I was able to log in with my username and password.  After scrolling around for several minutes, I finally found the "Leave this group" button at the bottom of the page -- not, as I would have expected, at the top of the page near the button for my profile.

Please fix the incorrect instructions, and move the "Leave" button up.  Thank you.

						L Peter Deutsch

Received on Saturday, 18 April 2020 17:31:33 UTC