Re: page errors in safari

Hi Paul,

There must be a caching issue somewhere. I suppose you visited an
outdated version of prov-overview earlier that showed that message.
Your browser must have cached the message (coming from another service)
and displayed it for /TR/xslt-30/.

Can you tell me which version of safari you are using and I'll check if
the bug isn't related to that version?
Also, are you using any extensions that would override some HTTP
headers like the referer. The service actually relies on these headers.
Can you also check other specifications and see if you are getting the
same warning?

Thank you,


On 11/20/2017 02:00 PM, Paul Houston wrote:
> Hi There, I keep seeing the page out of date notice for pages that are
> definitely not out of date, this just happens in Safari – thought you
> should know.
> Best regards, Paul

Received on Monday, 20 November 2017 12:25:07 UTC