Re: Screen pixel density.

Hi, Joe–

This isn't the right way to go about soliciting for a W3C standard.

Mass-spamming the W3C staff, in addition to being rude, makes it hard to 
take any suggestion seriously.

If you have a good idea for a missing feature from the Web Platform, 
propose a W3C Community Group [1]. Promote it on social media, talk to 
other developers, and get them to support the formation of the community 
group, and to get like-minded people to join the CG.

Once you've formed the CG, develop your idea with the people who join:
* draw up use cases and requirements
* explain why current features of the platform don't meet these requirements
* sketch out what the API or feature would look like, and how it would 
* draft this into a specification
* talk to W3C staff and W3C members in relevant mailing lists (perhaps 
the WebApps WG), and ask them to take a look at your proposal
* if implementers like it, they may bring it into W3C as a 
Recommendation-track standard.



On 11/23/14 9:37 PM, /#!/JoePea wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> There's something important missing in web development: window.screen does
> not contain the screen's hardware pixel density.
> True device-independent development is impossible without this value
> exposed to web developers. It's easy to get these values from a screen's
> EDID information and expose it. It'd be great if this was part of w3c spec
> for browsers.
> We (developers, programmers) want to make truly device-independent web
> "apps", not web "pages".
> "Native" developers can get EDID information directly from a screen, or
> through native APIs, so why can't web programmers be afforded such a simple
> number?
> Please. I beg of you all. Make this part of the specs for browsers to
> follow. Pleeeease, bring browser development to the next level by allowing
> programmers to have full control of their hardware pixels.
> */#!/*JoePea

Received on Monday, 24 November 2014 11:20:59 UTC