access of the w3c mailing lists web sites


I wanted to subscribe to a few of your mailing lists and was horrified at
how little access I found on the pages. Here are just a few notes I can
also do a screen cast if that would help

 The following are not in any order

the table on this page should make proper connections between the clickable
elements such as

by thread

by author

by subject


And witch month you would be getting my author or by thread.

 A simple roe header would help but what about using Aria describe by

 Too much of your content is template and every wear I look for list
information  I see things like about this list well please make it clearer
what list by saying about this list you might as well say click here

The same goes  for subscribe  what am I subscribing to.

this was the page that really set me off.

There are to definition lists on this page really a definition list these
should be tables its un reasonable to expect a screen reader user to
navigate lists this long in the form they are in.

I am not even sure in the end if I subscribed  to the lists I wanted
because the information  was so overwhelming I in the end just searched for
access with my screen reader and joined the lists that looked write.

 These pages really are a start but if you the w3c can't create a
comfortable accessible user experience how can I teach others to do so


Lucia Greco

Web Access Analyst

IST-Campus Technology Services

University of California, Berkeley

(510) 289-6008 skype: lucia1-greco

Received on Wednesday, 12 February 2014 20:53:01 UTC