Re: HTML5 Logo use

On 31 Oct 2011, at 9:17 AM, Tony Rothwell wrote:

> Hey,
> I am creating an iOS app, to be available for free on the Apple App Store, for students to use to learn how to use various HTML5 elements, starting with the Canvas element as a programming assignment at college. It shall contain a series of lessons, a general HTML5 reference, and a sandbox where users can script a Canvas element on their iOS devices (and later other elements too).
> While initially it shall only have lessons for the Canvas elements, I plan to include more lessons for other elements grouped as in-app purchases (at some insignificant cost, like $0.50 a piece, to try recover my developer license cost, all money I get out of this app I would aim to funnel back into the user-base one way or another).
> My overall question is, would I be able to use the HTML5 logo, or some similar variation of it, as my app logo? I of course will note in a disclaimer that there is no affiliation with or endorsement by the W3C, but I'm not sure of how I would be allowed to use the W3C's HTML5 logo in my own app. It seems fitting to use it, since that is entirely what my app is for, and will help define that to my users from step one.
> I also intend to use the logo as an exercise for students to draw in canvas themselves, as since it will set a relevant goal and definitely leave them very confidant and able afterwards.
> Thanks for any advice on this, I'd hate to publish the app and get a cease and desist or something like that :P

No worries. The HTML5 logo is available under the permissive CC 3.0; see our FAQ:


> Tony Rothwell

Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                                      +1 718 260 9447

Received on Monday, 31 October 2011 23:09:23 UTC