HTML Validator and link checker error on websites which use a base-Tag

Hi W3C participant,

there is a huge error in the W3C Validator and Link Checker tool. I have tested the website with both tools, and both tools result on 404 Response Code for every stylesheet, javascript and image file!

The base tag is defined as following: <base href="">

Every href for stylesheet, ajavascript and image files is relative to the base path. Every web browser displays the website correct, so I guess these validation tools are "lying" in this case.

Is this a wrong usage of the base-tag or is the base-tag not well supported in the W3C Validator & Link Checker? The same error occurs on the new MobileOK validator, so I guess there is a flaw in the main validation engine.

Kind Regards,
Dennis Becker

Received on Thursday, 9 June 2011 06:08:17 UTC