Suggestion for CSS3


I don't know if you read this kind of emails, but I just want to suggest you something for CSS3.

It's easier for me to give you an example than to explain.

Then, instead of doing this : 

div.someClass {
    background: white;

div.someClass div.otherClass {
    color: blue;

div.someClass div.otherClass span.greenOnHover:hover {
    color: green;

div.someClass div.anotherClass {
    color: red;

It could be useful to be able to do something like this : 

div.someClass {
    background: white;

    div.otherClass {
        color: blue;

        span.greenOnHover:hover {
            color: green;
    div.anotherClass {
        color: red;

Thank you for reading my email,


Received on Saturday, 23 July 2011 16:00:30 UTC