Mistake on the Wiki

has a mistake on it.

Example A given has the following line:
<meta charset=utf-8" />
but this should read as:
<meta charset="utf-8" />

I was expecting the ability to edit this page but was disappointed. I  
can only wonder why a wiki is not editable by its users. As the owner  
of a wiki site myself, I think it's a necessity to allow others to  
proof-read existing content. I noticed this error when I used the  
example code on my site. I've been looking for a definitive reference  
for HTML standards, and this error was rather disappointing,  
especially given my expected ability to correct it. Please correct  
this error and proof-read existing content.

Mr. Robert Walliczek, president
Blazing Music Network, Inc.

Received on Wednesday, 16 February 2011 00:33:44 UTC