Making much faster

Dear Ian,

When I visit the homepage, there are a lot of (unnecessary) http-requests.

Firebug currently shows me 35 requests of which 4 are tiny CSS files.
It would make sense to have 1 big CSS file instead. This would save 3 requests. From my experience 1 request with 1 byte costs at
least the same load time as additional 10 kB in an file (using ADSL - depending on the bandwidth it can even be worse).

There are 28 graphic files.
I am sure that it would be possible to put at least 3/4 of them into a CSS sprite file, e.g. the logo, the icons, etc.

Here you can see what happens during loading of the homepage on the First View and a Repeated View:

With the CSS files put together in 1 file and the often used graphics put together in 1 CSS sprite file, the number of http-requests
should be around 10 and the load time will be down from nearly 2 seconds to 1 second.

In the Repeat View you can see many 304s as there is a caching error that should be fixed as well.
This would then bring down the second visit to 1-3 http-requests and would make the page ultra-fast!!

Further to that convenience for users, the servers would have less work as there are less http-requests which may lead to cost

Best regards,

Markus Meister

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Received on Wednesday, 3 August 2011 07:49:11 UTC