Re: changed URI?

On 30 Jun 2010, at 5:07 AM, Troels Agerholm wrote:

> Hi
> I needed the article: Cool URIs don't change, so I typed this into
> Google, and it suggested "".
> However you this page is a "300 Multiple Choices"-page. Really?
> Also it suggest that I inform the referring page of the change. How  
> ironic.

Hi Troels,

It's not clear to me that we ever advertised:

We have advertised:

Which is linked from

I am not sure how Google found the one you cited; maybe from our site  
or somebody else's. Given that it is currently the "top result" then  
it is reasonable to have a different HTTP response than 300.

I'll have a look internally. Thank you,

  _ Ian

> -- 
> Best wishes
> Troels Agerholm

Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                                      +1 718 260 9447

Received on Wednesday, 30 June 2010 13:29:27 UTC