extra NBSPs on Scripting and Ajax page?

On the page at http://www.w3.org/standards/webdesign/script, the text
"current status of specifications and groups" uses NBSP characters to
separate the words.  That makes that link adjust (wrap) differently
than the sibling links (which wrap at smaller increments).

I see that you might be treating that text specially because it
contains two links (rather than just one).

Would this work a little better?:
- Move the words "current status of" out of the text (label) of the
   first link (so it's plain text as the work "and" is).  That would
   make the link wording more consistent ("specifications" and "groups"
   vs. "current status of specification" and "groups").
- Then change the NBSPs to plain spaces, since the two link labels
   are no longer non-parallel (which presumably led to adding the NBSPs
   to clarify things).


Received on Wednesday, 2 June 2010 17:24:27 UTC