Re: Google/ search usability

On 14 May 2009, at 9:52 AM, Dan Forno wrote:

> I know that you utilize the Google option for 'ease of use' to the  
> user, but there is a major usability issue in how it's deployed.
> If I use the search box from your homepage, then end up on the  
> results page and just want to return to the homepage, I cannot.   
> Your logo in the top left does not return me to the page I was  
> previously on.  This is Website usability 101, I cannot believe it  
> was overlooked.
> You should have it corrected, I am not going to demand it like most  
> users, but simple oversights like this are not in keeping with your  
> tag line: "Leading the Web to it's full potential"

Hi Dan,

Apologies for the delay in handling your comment; I'm still working  
through review comments.

We do not have a custom search results page. When you use google to  
search, you are on
google's site, not ours. That is why there is no way to navigate  
directly back to our home page.

I realize this might cause usability issues.

Earlier in this process I looked into google's custom search engine  
(as well as other search
engine options). I believe (but not the details) that there were some  
requirements for setting
up a custom search engine (i.e., where the results page uses a W3C  
template) that we were
unable to meet either due to our privacy policy or some other factor.  
I don't recall the details,
but as a result, we simply invoke the search engine via a form.

Do you have some suggestions for how we might improve the situation?

  _ Ian
Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                                      +1 718 260 9447

Received on Wednesday, 27 May 2009 03:51:42 UTC