Re: new-site comments - overflow setting hides text, prevents scrolling

I wrote:
> Regarding the page
> Some apparent "overflow: hidden" setting (or possibly the stacking 
> order) makes
> some text inaccessible at narrower windows widths.
> Apparently, the setting tells the browser to ignore the total width of 
> the text
> when computing the page width, so the browser doesn't provide a horizontal
> scrollbar, to the page can't even be scrolled to where the text would be if
> it were visible.

The page at shows a more
serious case (much more data invisible, because of lack of scrollability,
if one doesn't or can't widen a window).

In the attached screen shot, notice how the example it cut off (and notice
how much is cut off).

(Plain text sometimes corrupted to HTML "courtesy" of Microsoft Exchange.) [F]

Received on Thursday, 2 April 2009 14:41:29 UTC