Suggestion: add some info regarding NOT placing anchor tags between (opening) tr and td tags

Hi there,

First of all, thanks to your superb site, I am slowly getting to grips with
creating my first website

I was having a problem with getting anchors to work having inserted a number
of <a name="myUniqueName"></a> thingies (where 'myUniqueName' really was
unique) inbetween (opening) <tr> and <td> tags - and clicking the
appropriate link in Firefox/Netscape simply moved the cusor to the 'first'
location (curiously, it worked as I intended in both Opera or IE)

I went a-Googling and entered your superb site via and, slowly, the pennies
began to drop - so thanks...

After reading section 12.2.2 (Nested links are illegal), I had a hunch that
I should move the  <a name="myUniqueName"></a> thingies (so that they came
inside <td> ... </td> tags), and it works!  :)

However, I am still a bit confused (nothing new there)...
seems to endorse the way I was using those anchors (see their subheader <<*To
make the anchors work in Netscape:>>* ) so maybe my 'fix' means my HTML is
still a long way from being anything like 'approved style' ...

Whatever, this 'trap-for-beginners' doesn't seem to be documented anywhere
that Google knows about, so, realising you're the bods with the most
influence, I thought I'd drop you a line

Maybe you have a better understanding than I do with regard to my waffling
- and maybe you can turn that into some coherent info for beginners, like
me, who appreciate your site so much

Andy Williams
GP: Maybe you are just crazy.
M2: Indeed! But do not reject these teaching as false because I am crazy.
The reason that I am crazy is because they are true.

Received on Saturday, 14 January 2006 03:54:42 UTC