W3C inside


The navigation of the W3 site is done on the right hand side which is one of
the most infrequently used navigation systems on the web. The recommended
navigation should be either horizontal display with java script enabled roll
down menus or best recommended is the left hand navigation with roll out
menus as they are most user friendly.

Furthermore, there is no clear demarcation of links and sub-links on the
navigation. There should be at least some differentiation to know which page
you are on.

A strong navigation system is very important to be placed on the site. For
ex. A user cannot go back to other unrelated sections from the page
http://www.w3.org/Consortium/application.php3 as the navigation option is
limited from here.

Too much content:

A constant issue persisting on the site is the long scrolls per page. This
is not recommended as it reduces readability of content and searching of
content through out the site is also difficult.

It is suggested that smarter in-page navigation


The complete lack of graphics on the entire site makes the site look like a
college project. It is highly recommended that some elements of graphics be
introduced to the site which would enhance both the look and feel as well as
the branding of the site. The site can have a top banner which is used to
display current messages and events to frequent visitors.

Application form section:

The Application form section is split into too (a total of three) many
sections, increasing the number of click throughs made by a user. A lot of
content given on the first screen can be given as an optional window which
the user can click on and read if he/she likes. Instant verification
processing should be implemented on the site for quicker processing.

Review sponsored by Nakagava Ltd.
Tadas Talaikis, CEO

Received on Thursday, 21 July 2005 08:58:46 UTC