Re: comment on Hungarian Office website quality

Dear Balázs,

thanks for your comments.

though I will obviously forward your mail to the Hungarian Office, let me explain one 
problem... The Office is *hosted* by SZTAKI, but SZTAKI is, as you well know, much more 
than just the office itself. Neither W3C nor the local office has enough influence on the 
webmasters of an institution like SZTAKI to enforce validation. This is a *very* 
unfortunate fact that we have difficulties to control. Note that the Office web site, ie, *is* valid...

Sincerely, and BUÉK,


Csepregi Balazs (MarketingSzoftverek) wrote:
> Dear Sirs!
> I am stunned about that the Hungarian W3C office, has 251 errors on its homepage alone, regarding to the W3C Markup Validation Service!
> Csepregi Balázs
> MarketingSzoftverek
> (+36) 30 251 00 26
> (+36 1) 376 91 00


Ivan Herman
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Received on Monday, 3 January 2005 14:13:56 UTC