Error found in CSS 2 documentation.

recommendations. Now I'm building a web application that needs to
print some data in a size stardard. When I was reading about the
"@page" rule, in the CSS 2 documentation -
<> -, I found something that seems
to be an error.
   See. In the site:
"For example, the following @page rule sets the page box size to 8.5 x
11 inches and creates '2cm' margin on all sides between the page box
edge and the page area:
@page { size 8.5in 11in; margin: 2cm }" - quoted from

   I think the correct example must be..
"@page { size: 8.5in 11in; margin: 2cm }"

   Note the ":" after the "size" property, what is missing in the
example published on the page.

~~ ~
diego nunes
web engineer
~ ~~

Received on Wednesday, 20 October 2004 05:01:17 UTC