Deprecated Constructs: Suggesting URL links to alternatives

In the descriptions for the various constructs, when you flag them
as "deprecated", the link under the word "deprecated" should take
you to the construct that replaces the deprecated one. Just taking
the reader to the definition of "deprecated" seems rather useless,
since 99% of your readers know what it means, and the other 1%
will figure it out pretty quickly.

If I am editing documents and I see that something is deprecated,
I want to know what I should replace it with, and I shouldn't have
to go hunting all over creation to find it.

Example: In the description of the Horizontal Rule tag at the bottom
of All
of the attributes described are deprecated. There's not a clue what
the alternatives are though.

Karl Hahn

Received on Thursday, 7 October 2004 03:26:25 UTC