Re: XML parser error

Sam Van Broeck wrote:

>I work with the latest version of Mozilla (1.5b) and I get every 
>time the following error when I visit the W3C webpage :
>XML Parsing Error: undefined entity Location: 
>Line Number 48, Column 22:href="/TR/">Technical&nbsp;Reports</a> | 
><a class="bannerLink" ---------------------^
>But if I look to the website with IE, there's no problem. So I'm not 
>sure if it's a problem with with Mozilla, or with the code.

I downloaded the nightly build and yes, is a Mozilla error. The page is
valid. The same bug was reported on our home page in Mozilla 1.3 in
March of this year [1] and appears to have resurfaced.


Susan Lesch                tel:+1.858.483.4819
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Sunday, 21 September 2003 20:47:58 UTC