green nazis


EQUAL EARTH stands for equal rights/habitat for all
species - not just humans.

Therefore it is necessary to reduce the number of
humans to what it was in 1950, i.e. 2500million through
free contraception, free abortion, a one child policy
per couple and the introduction of the compulsory
parental licence not to be made available to anyone
under the age of 35 years. It is absurd that ignorant,
ill-educated, immature humans should reproduce more of
the same. Commensurately it is essential that there is
a global stop of new construction other than
renovation/replacement of existing
buildings/structures. The over-populating humans have
massacred/wiped out/polluted/wastelaid 94% of the
planetary eco-system/habitat comprising millions of
fellow species who have become extinct or are on the
verge of extinction: this global holocaust is reflected
in what the humans do to each other.

Only criminals and idiots want to continue this global

The greatest deception perpetrated by the "corrupt
elite" is the totally false pretence that "ever more
development, debt and economic growth" will eventually
eradicate poverty and benefit all humans when they
already know that multiplying the consumption quantum
of one industrialised nation human by all 6500 million
humans increasing at 80 million p.a. would literally
wipe out what's left of the natural habitat/forests,
wildlife and resources while drowning the planet in
pollution and waste.

A masterstroke of disguised
planet/forest/habitat/wildlife-destruction was
conceived by the wily anti-abortion/pro-life (humans
only) crooks through ever lower interest rates which
forces people to spend/consume instead of

In overpopulated/overcrowded Britain the ramifications
of unsustainable human over-proliferation have created
a racist society which blames everything on immigration
despite the fact that the British themselves export
more than 300,000 families abroad every year. A forced
export of humans that is reflected in the developed
world's worst infrastructure surrounded by nothing but
industrial estates/agri-factories, worst housing=rabbit
hutches slums, worst architecture=tree-less bunker
design, worst standard of education=mono-linguistic
ignorance other than mercenary mercantilism, worst
pollution and noise, worst overcrowding, worst
over-population, worst traffic jams, worst health
service, worst social/OAP care=2nd world war veterans
on an appalling low standard of living, worst
wastelaying=the consequence of the forced throw away
mass-consumption economy: no forests, no wildlife, no
countryside other than agri-factories now "embellished"
with infernal wind turbines to drive the cows and sheep
mad; all of it modelled on the madcap idea that humans
are a resource and an asset; a hypothesis they have
derived from one of their own industries: pig farming.


dity traders/directors/managers/media people and just
about all so-called professors in chorus:

 "We don't give a dam about bio-diversity, forests,
natural habitat, the environment or ecological,
co-existential balance between humans, their activities
and the global life support system; thus we have
created a global system of mutual corruption."
(cynically they call it "partnership")

Why the sick career ambitions of the achievement/money
driven humans must stop now: there can be no further
economic growth, development or construction other than
renovation or replacement of existing
buildings/structures within a reducing quantum/breeding
scenario. The corrupt Worldbank/IMF/Development Banks
insatiable debt-financing=raping the planet must be

Based on the 2000 year old criminal falsehood that
humans are the sole masters of the planet Earth it
could be said that there is nothing wrong in the world
other than the gigantic/unprecedented
socio-economic-environmental disparities that arise
from quantum breeding/economics: the poor must live in
ever smaller, denser, polluted, traffic-riddled,
infernal noise infested, wastelaid mass housing slums
far removed from the greenbelts of the
corrupt/exploiting professional/business classes whose
"careers" thrive on the increasing consumption quantum
of the increasing masses whose ignorance is only
compensated by the ever larger quantum of slavish
consumption which substitutes their original
identity/affinity as a fellow species of mammals within
a balanced, finely tuned co-existential system of
global bio-diversity which evolved over millions of

The overcrowded/overpopulating/drugs-alcohol
infested/violent/aggressive/ignorant human masses have
already invaded/polluted/wastelaid more than 94% of the

Meat-eating peace activists have for decades queried
the essence and rights of bio-diversity on the basis of
why care for wildlife and its habitat as long as humans
are at war with each other - failing to understand that
peaceful co-existence amongst one species is not
possible without peaceful co-existence amongst all

The global development/social activists have also
failed to understand that quantum development
effectively deprives fellow species of their rightful
ancient habitat and progressively destroys the innate
co-existential ecological balance which was the global
life support system comprising photosynthesis, an
unpolluted atmosphere and adequate, unpolluted living
space/habitat for all species.

Ever more criminals abuse the global socio-economic
demand/obsession for "families" by breeding large
numbers of children who become victims and serve as
camouflage for their parents criminal activities in a
replay of Hitler's mothercross multiple breeding joint
venture/concordat with the Vatican - part of the
Christian global strategy to outbreed the
Muslims/Hindus (massively reciprocated), Agnostics,
Atheists etc.

The evolution of life over millions of years has been
corrupted by the humans since the beginning of the
industrial age when quantum replaced natural limits and
a need for ever more humans was artifically created
first to mass-produce and later to mass-consume what is
now mass-produced by

Mass-consumption has been fostered/sponsored and
ingrained in the human psyche as a lifestyle/raison
d´ętre by the simple expedient which is in itself the
consequence of quantum economics; i.e. the fact that
there is nothing left on the planet which could be
peacefully enjoyed (such as untrampled forests) without
noisy, all-pervading mass-shopping/mass-congregation.

Only the corrupt professional/business "elite" can
afford the relative peace and tranquility of the
remaining greenbelt financed with the money they make
from greed/vanity/snobbery and the skills they pass on
to each other in destroying the planetary life support
system through massive quantum/no limits
over-proliferation of the rapacious ideology that
drives the global chaos and bio-diversity/habitat

In a last ditch attempt to avoid socio-economic
collapse/disintegration the "educated elite" have
corrupted national micro- and global macro-economics by
the simple expedient of debt-financing the quantum
economics which employs the underclasses knowing that
this would effectively enslave them to total
subservience and compliance and take their mind off any
other issues.

Debt-riddled/low pay humans have no time for
bio-diversity/habitat preservation nor
environmental/ecological concerns whilst the "corrupt
elite" knows that the quantum consequences arising from
the debt-financed mass-consumption frenzy causes
irreversible damage to the planetary life support
system through habitat and bio-diversity destruction.

This corrupt development/debt/economic growth-ideology
is being sold as a "win win" scenario in that to the
simpleton both the underclasses and the "corrupt elite"
profit from each other: ignoring the fact that the
entire global future of the planet is being depleted
with total disregard for future generations of all
forms of life.

This conscious, deliberate, intentional madness/crime
is being perpetrated in the name of gods now better
known as politicians which have been invented/voted
into power under false pretences/misrepresentation to
absolve the humans from their self-serving criminal
activities and force them into ever more of the same.

In Architecture - the corrupt profession which
prostitutes itself to the global imbalance and
resulting money/debt oversupply by plastering the
natural habitat with rubble from planet-destruction on
behalf of the unscrupulous developers: the vandalism of
a Corbusier or Mies Van der Rohe et al reflects the
egocentric brutalism of the 20th century human.

The fact is that without debts humans would have to
exist within their limits therefore humans would have
to limit their numbers and share the planet, its
resources and habitat equitably with all life. Instead
we have now a global economy where massive individual,
corporate, state and government debt mountains must
drive massive underlying inflation masqueraded as
"economic growth" to minimise the debt impact; i.e.
debt which is constantly refinanced with more debt
which drives the ongoing global breeding frenzy as ever
more debt must be divided by ever more humans and their
economic quantum activities to prevent the global
banking/financial system going bust.

70% of global money is laundered through Switzerland
from where it is recycled/lent into the global
economy/stock markets=planet destruction earning the
Swiss trillions in foreign exchange profits as the
Swiss franc rises commensurately against all
currencies; profits which are ploughed back into the
traditional moneyspinners like global banking,
insurance, food, cement, drugs and of course IVF
breeding where the Swiss are world leaders because the
financial/money/debt market over-saturation requires
ever more humans.

The so-called "free market economy" is only free for
those who make short-term financial gains: the real
cost is borne by the global life support system which
is collapsing from the quantum impact of human

Since 1950 some 4000 million additional surplus humans
are feeding the "corrupt elite" with a reason to
demonstrate money-making planet destruction proclivity.
Expansive money-making that must be recycled into the
local/global economy, bolstered by unprecedented debts
which finance the limitless, corrupted global
planet/habitat/wildlife-destruction economy.

Originally debt constituted the assets/savings of
depositors and a balance existed between the two. Now
banks are lending in excess of 1000 times the amount of
their deposits in a gigantic global debt explosion
which does nothing other than to finance the
extermination of global bio-diversity, the destruction
of the shared global habitat, massive pollution,
resource depletion, wastelaying and resultant life
support system checkmate.

The self-evident stupidity/arrogance of the "corrupt
elite" and their meaningless/material wasted lives is
highlighted by the absurdity of their mutual support
conspiracy whereby short-term profit, "economic
growth", the "ability" to take on ever more debt, the
"free market economy" and so-called ambitions and
achievements are applauded over long-term
co-existential equity and freedom between all forms of

As long as humans continue to corrupt themselves with
their insane "invented god" ideology with which they
falsely empower themselves and set themselves above all
life and consider only what suits the breeding and
over-proliferation of ever more humans all hopes of an
equitably sustainable future are in vain and all
pretensions to that effect a contrick on global

This contrick on global society is manifested in the
educational system which compartamentalises subjects
without cross-reference or context so that corrupt
traders/directors/managers/media people and just about
all so-called professors don't know the first thing
about the necessity for ecological co-existential
balance between bio-diversity, habitat and human
activity and that this essential balance has been
corrupted and perverted by human over-population.

Indeed they even have made a moneyspinning business out
of the global environmental destruction; a rapidly
growing money/debt supply which comes from planet
destruction and a rapidly growing money/debt supply
that goes back into planet destruction. In their
ultimate corrupt form they pricetag wildlife and plants
by their "economic" value to humans.

It is not unreasonable to say that if humans want to
self-destruct; why not let them carry on. However, it
is grossly unethical, immoral and criminal to
exterminate, destroy and annihilate fellow species and
their habitat at the same time.

If humans want to live in deserts let them share the
deserts with the desert fauna and flora yet it is
criminal to turn the rest of the planet into deserts
simply to accommodate ever greater masses of surplus
humans whose sole purpose in life is to actively
participate in the grotesque self-destruction scenario.

The sick career ambitions of the achievement/money
driven humans must stop now: there can be no further
economic growth, development or construction other than
renovation or replacement of existing
buildings/structures within a reducing quantum

They must be re-educated into environmental awareness,
ecological appreciation and habitat/wildlife
regenerative activity with the clear und unequivocal
understanding that all humans must drastically reduce
their numbers of births and economic quantum impact if
anything is to make sense.

EQUAL EARTH stands for equal rights/habitat for all
species - not just humans. EQUAL EARTH advocates
reducing the number of humans to what it was in 1950,
i.e. 2500million through free contraception, free
abortion, a one child policy per couple and the
introduction of the compulsory parental licence not to
be made available to anyone under the age of 35 years.
It is absurd that ignorant, ill-educated, immature
humans should reproduce more of the same.
Commensurately EQUAL EARTH advocates a global stop of
new construction other than renovation/replacement of
existing buildings/structures.

Received on Sunday, 21 September 2003 16:53:49 UTC