Re: Language problem

Thomas Verelst wrote:

>It appears that since today I'm getting the CSS Validator page in Dutch.  Is
>there any way to change that?
>I'm using Windows 2000 SP4 (US English), and the country is set to "United
>Kingdom".  I live in Belgium.
>Google and Hotmail do the same to me but at least they provide the use of a
>"forced" language.
>I personally find this highly annoying and was looking around for a solution
>prior to writing this message but couldn't find any.  I hope it will be
>resolved soon because has been a "one-stop site" when composing my
>sites and I would like to keep it like that.

Apologies for the delayed reply. I don't see this on the list of known
problems [1]. Comments on the CSS validator should go to the
maintainers at which is archived here
[2]. The feedback information page is [3]. Hope this helps.


Susan Lesch                tel:+1.858.483.4819
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Sunday, 7 September 2003 23:14:21 UTC