Re: IE 6.0 : <labe ... /> not equal to <label></label>

"Mike LaRoque" <> wrote:

>  Hello, I just noticed that the whole right side of the front page, once
>  clicked, brings you to googles search engine.

<> wrote:

>  All the text after the last label element of W3C home page is the
>  <label> of the google "goButton" input.
>  It's a IE 6.0 bug that must be fixed up in the next version.
>  To IE 6.0 "<label /> <=> <label></label>"

Thanks for the reports and the key to working around what must be an IE
bug. I am unable to reproduce it in IE6 Windows in Virtual PC, but I
pasted in <label></label>. Hope the page works better for you now.

If you would like to report the bug, "Microsoft Wish" appears to be the
name of the Microsoft product feedback link today:

Susan Lesch                tel:+1.858.483.4819
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Thursday, 29 May 2003 18:32:46 UTC