Re: Suggestion for 'basic style for all W3C pages'

On 17 October 2001, Thomas Jedenfelt wrote:

>  Regarding the 'basic style for all W3C pages'.
>  This Netscape 4.x work-around has a draw back.
>  a img {color: white;}
>  It makes the image's 'alt' text white.
>  Turning off the browser's support for images makes
>  the 'alt' text invisible against the white background.
>  A solution would be to add a background colour
>  to the work-around rule.

On 6 January 2002 W3C's base style sheet was changed thanks to your

a img {color: white}          /* To hide the border in Netscape */
@media all {                  /* Hide from Netscape 4 */
     a img {color: inherit}    /* Undo the rule above */

Thank you again for writing. Apologies for the delayed reply.

Susan Lesch                tel:+1.858.483.4819
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Friday, 8 February 2002 23:50:57 UTC