xml 1.0 spec is hard to find


Tried to link to the XML 1.0 spec from the top paragraph on


but it just bumped me down the page into the timeline list. For a person who
is losing touch with English day-to-day, that is not very obvious. (I just
tried it again and realized that the actual link ends up right at the top of
the screen. Nope. Not very visible.)


Joel Rees
programmer -- rees@mediafusion.co.jp
To be a tree supporting all information,
  giving root to the chaos
    and branches to the trivia,
      information breathing anew --
        This is the aim of Yggdrasill.
============================XML as Best Solution===
Media Fusion Co. ,Ltd.  株式会社メディアフュージョン
Amagasaki  TEL 81-6-6415-2560    FAX 81-6-6415-2556
    Tokyo TEL 81-3-3516-2566   FAX 81-3-3516-2567

Received on Wednesday, 25 July 2001 08:12:33 UTC