[CfP] ER2025 (@Poitiers, France) - Call for Industrial Track

ER 2025 Call for Industrial Track
The 44th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling
20-23 October 2025, Poitiers / Futuroscope, France

Industrial Track Chairs:  Kamalakar KARLAPALEM, Thomas POLACSEK


The industry track will have papers from academia and industry for the
Research and Innovation session. These papers will be peer-reviewed. There
is a presentation-only industry insights session where an industry-strength
solution or case study within the conference scope can be presented. At
least one author of the accepted papers and presentations must register for
the conference.
The participants will be able to interact with academia, researchers, and
industry practitioners to share the state of the art and challenges ahead.
There will be a panel on industry strength conceptual modeling.

This track includes two main sessions:
*Session 1: *research & Innovation Session (with peer-reviewed papers)
*Session 2:* industrial Insights Session (presentation-only, no paper

*Research & Innovation session (Peer-Reviewed Papers): *Align with the
overall conference themes, focusing on conceptual modeling's application in
industry, such as, but not limited to
Innovative applications of conceptual modeling.
Emerging challenges and future directions in industrial settings.
Novel methodologies or tools for industrial conceptual modeling.
Experiences with the use of Generative AI for conceptual Modelling.

*Industrial Insights session (Presentation-Only):* Separate Submission
Process: invitation and/or a call (with a light price)
Share real-world experiences, successes, or challenges related to:
Conceptual modeling in practice: case studies, lessons learned.
Industry-specific challenges and how conceptual modeling can address them.
Future needs and anticipated trends in industrial strength conceptual
Case studies showcasing industry applications.

*Important DatesResearch and Innovation Session*Industry Track submission:
June 2, 2025
Industry Track notification: July 30, 2025
Camera-ready and author registration: August 18, 2025

*Industry Insights Session*Presentation submission: July 7, 2025
Presentation notification: July 28, 2025
Author registration: August 18, 2025

*All deadlines are at 23:59 in the Anywhere on Earth timezone.*

*Submission Guidelines for Full Papers and Review Process*
Since the proceedings will be published by Springer in the LNCS series,
authors must submit manuscripts using the LNCS style (see style files and
details). Springer has provided a LaTeX template in Overleaf for your
convenience. The page limit for submitted papers (as well as for final,
camera-ready papers) is 12 pages (excluding references). ER 2025 follows a
double-blind review process. Authors are therefore asked to remove all
identifying information (self-references, acknowledgments, involved
research projects, etc.) from the manuscript and use repository
anonymization services like to anonymize potential source code repositories
and online supplementary material.

Manuscripts not submitted in the LNCS style or exceeding the page limit
will be desk rejected. Likewise, submissions that do not primarily focus on
aspects of conceptual modeling shall be rejected without undergoing formal
reviewing. Papers submitted must not be under evaluation for or have
already been published in, or accepted for publication, in a journal or
another conference.

Each paper admitted to the review process will be reviewed by at least two
program committee members and, if positively evaluated, a third review and
a meta-review will be conducted by two additional program board members.
The selected papers will be discussed among the paper reviewers online to
conclude a decision.

Research papers will be assessed for the extent of contribution, grounding
in the literature, novelty, presentation quality, relevance, and technical
rigor. Industry reports should demonstrate the impact of conceptual
modeling in a real-world setting, arguing for the generalizability of
methods and lessons learned. Vision papers should describe an ambitious and
credible future state of conceptual modeling, articulating the need,
research plan, and potential impact of the vision.

*Submission Link*To submit your paper, please use the following link via
Regular Conference Track: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=er2025 and
select the "Industrial Track" option during the submission process.
For Industrial Insights session, the submission process is separated:
invitation and/or a call (with a light price).

Received on Saturday, 8 March 2025 11:01:24 UTC