Re: Syntactical interoperability: a strategic consideration?

čt 16. 1. 2025 v 15:32 odesílatel Ruben Verborgh (UGent-imec) <> napsal:

> Dear all,
> The Semantic Web community aims to build systems with semantic
> interoperability.
> As many of us have probably experienced at some point, convincing others
> that RDF is a great fit for a particular use case, can sometimes be tricky.
> However, we always have the promise of long-term interoperability as a key
> argument.
> Recently, I became aware that the upcoming RDF 1.2 standards might update
> the existing definition of text/turtle and others.
> For those interested, the technical discussion is happening at
> However, there is potentially a larger strategic consideration that
> concerns all of us.
> If we arrive at a situation where two systems that both indicate to accept
> text/turtle, cannot talk to each other, we have a massive reputation
> problem.
> How can we claim semantic interoperability, if we do not have explicit
> syntactical interoperability?
> I fear this adds brittleness to RDF-based systems, to the extent that it
> might cause people to conclude “RDF doesn’t work”.
> And I’d be inclined to actually agreeing with them, rather than attempting
> a conversation about RDF 1.1 versus 1.2 details,
> while selling them on RDF was the hard thing in the first place. It
> endangers the credibility of our entire technology stack, in my opinion.
> I’m not looking to add pressure on the WG or the technical side of the
> argument.
> Rather, I’m interested in your opinions on whether the strategic and
> reputational risk is as big as I perceive it,
> and hopefully to find people who can defuse my arguments and worries.
> Thanks in advance,
> Ruben

I have always wondered whether or not RDF 1.2 involved breaking changes,
and whether it might have been called RDF 2.0.

> --
> Ruben Verborgh (they/them)
> Professor of Decentralized Web Technology
> IDLab, Ghent University – imec
> – @RubenVerborgh

Received on Friday, 17 January 2025 17:07:36 UTC