[CFP] SemEval 2025 Task 5 - LLMs4Subjects - 1st Call for Shared Task Participation

 [apologies if you receive multiple copies of this call]

Dear colleagues and friends,

*We are pleased to release the 1st Call for Participation to the
LLMs4Subjects Shared Task organized as part of SemEval 2025.*

*Overview:* As the first of its kind, LLMs4Subjects invites the research
community to *develop cutting-edge LLM-based semantic solutions for the
subject tagging of the Leibniz University's Technical Library's open-access
collection*. The shared task provides an opportunity for the research
community to creatively utilize LLMs for subject tagging of technical
records. *Systems need to demonstrate bilingual language modeling in
understanding technical documents in both German and English.* Moreover,
successful solutions may be directly integrated into the operational
workflows of the TIB Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology
University Library.

*What we provide to participants:* a human-readable form of a subject's
taxonomy (this is the *GND* or *Gemeinsame Normdatei*, the integrated
authority file used for cataloging in German-speaking countries) and a
large collection of technical records tagged with these subjects from the
TIB's open-access collection called *TIBKAT*.

More details on the task website:

*LLMs4Subjects defines the following three tasks:*

- Task 1: Learn the GND
- Task 2: Align subject tagging to the TIBKAT collection
- (Optional and Fun) Task 3: Develop Elegant Frontend Interfaces for
Subject Tagging

The task offers a broad range of research questions that can be explored.
View them here
<https://sites.google.com/view/llms4subjects/research-questions>. We
encourage interested teams to sign up and begin development as soon as
possible. Systems can be developed over a 3-month period, with the official
evaluation phase starting on *January 10, 2025*.

*LLMs4Subjects will have three separate evaluations:*

- Evaluation 1: Quantitative Metrics-based Evaluations
- Evaluation 2: Qualitative Evaluations by the Human Subject Specialists
- (Optional Task) Evaluation 3: HCI evaluations for subject indexing
interfaces submitted

*To participate in the LLMs4Subjects shared task,*

1. please submit your interest to participate using our online form (
2. sign up to the shared task Google Groups (
https://groups.google.com/u/6/g/llms4subjects) for FAQs, news, and
announcements, and,
3. last but not the least, download the datasets (
https://github.com/jd-coderepos/llms4subjects/) to begin development.


Training and validation datasets available:October 2, 2024
Test data available/Evaluation starts: January 10, 2025
Evaluation ends: January 31, 2025
Participant paper submissions due: February 28, 2025
Notification to authors: March 31, 2025
Camera ready due: April 21, 2025
SemEval workshop: TBD

*Task Organizers*

Jennifer D'Souza, Sameer Sadruddin, Holger Israel, Mathias Begoin et al.
All organizers are affiliated with the TIB Leibniz Information Centre for
Science and Technology - Germany (https://www.tib.eu/en/)

*We look forward to having you on board!*

*Contact: * llms4subjects [at] gmail.com

Received on Friday, 4 October 2024 15:01:20 UTC