Interdisciplinary PhD opportunity in AI and digital marketing in the South of France


We are looking for a highly dynamic individual for pursuing an interdisciplinary PhD in AI in Montpellier, France, exploring the emerging trend of integrating AI into educational technologies to dynamically evaluate skill development. 

Application deadline 1/7/2024. 
Expected start date 1/1/2025.

You will be supervised by a team of three investigators with highly diverse backgrounds: Yann Gabay, CEO and founder of Oreegami (mathematics, marketing and management), Ganesh Gowrishankar, Senior Researcher at LIRMM (robotics and neuroscience) and Madalina Croitoru, Professor at the University of Montpellier (cognitive science).

For more details (including the application procedure) please see the attached pdf.

Thank you,

Prof. Madalina Croitoru,
LIRMM, Faculty of Science, 
University of Montpellier

Received on Saturday, 18 May 2024 11:28:24 UTC