Is syntactically valid Turtle also proper Turtle?

When I use an RDF Validator and get the message that my syntax is correct (“Congrats! Your syntax is correct.”:), I still wonder whether my RDF code is proper RDF.

By the way, are there rules dictating what ‘proper’ RDF is?

If so, my question is whether there is a tool that can validate that?


The code I am looking at seems uncommon (is it?):


@prefix ex: <>.

@prefix rdf: <> .

@prefix rdfs: <> .

@prefix xsd: <> .

@prefix dm: <> .

@prefix tpl: <> .

@prefix meta: <> .



      rdfs:subClassOf dm:Template ;

      rdfs:isDefinedBy tpl:IN-PTYST-100.xml ;

      tpl:hasPropertyPossessor "ID"^^dm:PossibleIndividual ;

      tpl:hasPropertyType "ID"^^dm:ClassOfProperty ;

      tpl:valPropertyValue ""^^xsd:decimal ;

      tpl:hasScale "ID"^^dm:Scale ;

      meta:valEffectiveDate "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sZ"^^xsd:dateTime .


Typically "ID"^^dm:PossibleIndividual means ‘the ID of a member of dm:PossibleIndividual <>  or a subclass thereof.


A random instance of this template is:



      rdf:type tpl:IndividualHasPropertyWithValue ;

      tpl:hasPropertyPossessor ex:847931fd-eade-4beb-b07d-a9e889611c19 ; # a dm:PossibleIndividual

      tpl:hasPropertyType rdl:RDS353339 ; # MASS

      tpl:valPropertyValue "30.37"^^xsd:decimal ;

      tpl:hasScale rdl:RDS2229868 ; # METRIC TON

      meta:valEffectiveDate "2021-07-27T10:19:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime .


where the tpl:hasPropertyPossessor ex:847931fd-eade-4beb-b07d-a9e889611c19 is an instance of dm:PossibleIndividual

For that validation I guess that a combination of SHACL and SPARQL will have to be used.


Regards, Hans

Received on Monday, 13 May 2024 16:27:10 UTC