[CfP] Special issue on KGs and NeSy AI in the NAI Journal

Dear All,

Deadline: May 31, 2024

In this special issue, we aim to explore emerging research at the
confluence of Knowledge Graphs research and Neurosymbolic AI, thus gaining
a better understanding of how these two fields influence and benefit each
other. To that end, we are soliciting papers on the use of techniques from
Neurosymbolic AI/Machine Learning to construct or improve Knowledge Graphs,
techniques that use Knowledge Graphs to improve Machine Learning results as
part of emerging Neurosymbolic AI systems, as well as any other
combinations. Survey papers and application papers are also welcome.

Topics of Interest (include but are not limited to):

   - Neurosymbolic AI for knowledge engineering
      - Combination of Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning
      - The use of ML techniques for creating, extending, improving or
      aligning knowledge graphs
   - Knowledge graphs for  Neurosymbolic AI systems
      - Knowledge infusion in machine learning algorithms
      - Empirical results on the impact of enhancing ML systems with
      knowledge graphs
   - Knowledge graph quality and its influence on  Neurosymbolic AI systems
      - Benchmarks, Quality Metrics
   - Knowledge graphs for trustworthy  Neurosymbolic AI systems
      - Transparent/provenance-aware knowledge graphs
      - Policy-aware/compliant knowledge graphs
      - Commonsense knowledge
      - Explainable AI
   - The use of knowledge graphs for human-centric aspects of
   Neurosymbolic AI systems
   - Engineering knowledge based Neurosymbolic AI  systems
      - Design methodologies, e.g. Pattern-based Neurosymbolic AI systems
   - Applications of knowledge graphs-based Neurosymbolic AI systems
      - Domain-specific knowledge graphs for Neurosymbolic AI systems in
      domains such as medicine, biology, IoT, search, and others.

If there are any questions, please send them to

We look forward to your submissions.

Best regards,

Received on Saturday, 11 May 2024 11:27:41 UTC