[CFS] Call for Sponsorship - ACM RecSys Challenge 2025


*        CALL FOR SPONSORHIP - *ACM RecSys Challenge 2025




*The ACM Conference on Recommender Systems(RecSys) 
<https://recsys.acm.org/>is the premier international forumfor 
presenting new research results, systems, and techniques in the broad 
field of recommender systems. RecSysbrings together the major 
international research groups working on recommender systems and many of 
the world’s leading companies active in e-commerce and other adjacent 
domains. It has become the most important annual conference for the 
presentation and discussion of recommender systems research. *


Every year, the RecSys Challenge has been a great success. Participants 
from various backgrounds, disciplines, and backgrounds come together to 
present their innovative research and findings. The challenge provides 
scholars, researchers, students, and companies a platform to showcase 
their work, exchange ideas, and engage in meaningful discussions. The 
event fosters collaboration and networking opportunities, allowing 
participants to connect with peers who share similar research interests. 
The challenge has consistently received positive feedback from 
presenters and attendees, highlighting its significance in the academic 
community. It continues to be a valuable component of the conference, 
encouraging the advancement of knowledge and the exploration of new ideas.

The RecSys Challenge 2025will provide an unparalleled opportunity for 
participants to demonstrate their expertise in the Recommender Systems 
field. It will attract a diverse group of professionals, researchers, 
and students worldwide. By sponsoring this event, a company will have 
the unique opportunity to showcase its support for advancing the 
knowledge in RecSys, actively supporting the whole community while also 
gaining exposure to a global audience of industry leaders and 
decision-makers. In addition to the visibility and brand exposure, your 
sponsorship will demonstrate your company's commitment to fostering 
talent and innovation within the industry. Furthermore, it will provide 
an excellent platform to network with key stakeholders, potential 
partners, and top talent in the field.




*We are now open to receiving your Challenge Proposal! *


As a sponsor, you will have benefits:


    Great corporate visibility worldwide


    Gainingcontacts with a vibrant scientific communityon recommendation


    Corporate logo on the RecSys Conference webpageand all communication


    Receive a specialSponsorship Tier,and you will also have access to
    all the solutions


    Ask researchers from around the world to solve a recommendation
    problem relevant to your business


    Two publishedscientific articlesabout the challenge task (one in the
    Main ACM RecSys Proceedings, one in the Workshop Proceedings)

but also duties. Indeed, the sponsor is responsible for:


    Define the topic of the challenge.


    Release and Managea robust, anonymized, timely, detailed,
    documented, and relevant dataset containing A Large Amount of
    Real-Domain Data. It should be released with a Creative Common
    License and left available after the challenge's end for future
    research on the topic.


    Define the evaluation metrics and protocoland manage a submission


    Manage a dedicated Websitethat should be maintained and left active
    after the challenge's end to manage the data distribution,
    submissions, leaderboard and communication with participants.


    Upon completion of the event, the company, supported by challenge
    chairs, shall decide the winner(s) based on defined objective metrics.


    Support the Challenge with monetary prizesfor participants
    (lucrative enough to attract many participants) and by paying
    challenge workshop proceeding fees.




*The success of the research challenge is a testament to the dedication 
and hard work of all those involved, and it serves as a source of 
inspiration for future generations of researchers.*


Just to give a few examples:


    TheRecSys 2024 Challengewill be organized by Johannes Kruse and
    Kasper Lindskow (Ekstra Bladet <https://ekstrabladet.dk/>), Anshuk
    Uppal, Michael Riis Andersen, and Jes Frellsen (Technical University
    of Denmark <https://www.dtu.dk/english/>), Marco Polignano
    (University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy <http://www.uniba.it/>),
    Claudio Pomo (Politecnico di Bari, Italy <http://www.poliba.it/>),
    and Abhishek Srivastava (IIM Visakhapatnam, India
    <https://iimv.ac.in/faculty/profile/abhishek>) based on the data
    provided by Ekstra Bladet. This year’s challenge focuses on online
    news recommendation, addressing both the technical and normative
    challenges inherent in the design of effective and responsible
    recommender systems for news publishing.



    The RecSys 2023Challenge <https://www.recsyschallenge.com/2023/>,
    organized by Rahul Agarwal and Sarang Brahme (ShareChat), Abhishek
    Srivastava (IIM Visakhapatnam, India), Liu Yong (Huawei, Singapore),
    and Athirai Irissappane (Amazon, USA) focus on online advertising,
    deep funnel optimization, and user privacy. Online advertising has
    evolved from banner-based to deep funnel optimization, requiring
    extensive personalization and raising user privacy issues. The
    challenge provides a real-world ad dataset from ShareChat
    <https://sharechat.com/>and Moj appsto benchmark research into deep
    funnel optimization with a focus on user privacy.



    The RecSys Challenge 2022
    <https://www.recsyschallenge.com/2022/>focuses on fashion
    recommendations and was organized by Nick Landia (Dressipi), Bruce
    Ferwerda (Jönköping University, Sweden), Saikishore Kalloori (ETH
    Zürich, Switzerland), and Abhishek Srivastava (IIM Visakhapatnam,
    India). The challenge involves predicting the purchased item in a
    session based on a sequence of item views and label data for those
    items. Dressipi <https://dressipi.com/>released a public dataset of
    1 million online retail sessions with labeled content data. Accurate
    in-session predictions were the crucial aspects considered due to
    the fast-changing nature of user preferences in the fashion domain.


    The RecSys Challenge 2021 <https://www.recsyschallenge.com/2021/>,
    organized by Politecnico di Bari, ETH Zürich, and Jönköping
    University, uses a data set provided by Twitter
    <https://twitter.com/>. The challenge focuses on predicting tweet
    engagement (Likes, Retweets, Quotes, and Replies) in a dynamic
    environment with latency constraints. The data size and density
    encourage novel methods. The goal was to predict engagement types
    for a target user based on heterogeneous input data while providing
    fair recommendations, considering accuracy and fairness as
    challenges for the recommendation community.




*If you are interested, reach us by email:challenge2024@recsys.acm.orgby 
sending a document deeply describing the following aspects:*



    Title of the proposed challenge


    Details and references of proposers


    Persons to be commissioned and their background (brief CV)






    Novelty of the task


    Description of dataset


    Evaluation protocol


    Awards and their allocation to the top-ranked participants (academic
    and corporate side)


    Practical support provided and platforms for managing the challenge


    Contacts (including contact person details, phone number, return
    email address)

The call will be open until August 31st, 2024. We will contact you with 
our decision by the end of September 2024.

Best Regards,

RecSys Challenge 2024 Chairs

* Marco Polignano 
University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
Claudio Pomo <https://sisinflab.poliba.it/pomo>, Politecnico di Bari, Italy
Abhishek Srivastava <https://www.iimv.ac.in/faculty/profile/abhishek>, 
IIM Visakhapatnam

Received on Thursday, 27 June 2024 07:58:42 UTC