[CfP] Call for papers for Intelligent User Interfaces 2025 (ACM IUI’25)

Call for papers for IntelligentUser Interfaces2025 (ACM IUI’25)

Wewelcome youto submityourhigh-qualitywork to IUI’25 thatwilltake place 
in Cagliari, Italy, on March 24-27, 2025!


Abstract submissiondeadline: October2nd, 2024

Paper submissiondeadline: October9th, 2024

Pleasevisitthe website for more information: https://iui.acm.org/2025/ 

The ACM Conference on IntelligentUser Interfaces(ACM IUI) isthe 
annualpremiere venuewhereresearchersand practitionersmeetand 
discussstate-of-the-art advancesatthe intersectionof 
ArtificialIntelligence (AI) and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Ideal 
IUI submissionsshouldaddresspracticalHCI challenges usingmachine 
intelligence and discussbothcomputationaland human-centricaspectsof 
suchmethodologies, techniques and systems.

Contributionsare welcome from allrelevantarenas, includingacademia, 
industry, government, and non-profit organizations. 
Westronglybelievethatdiverse insights are criticalto the vitalityof the 
IUI community and the conference willacceptpapers for bothlong and short 
oralpresentations. Contributionsto IUI are expectedto be supportedby 
rigorousevidenceappropriate to the claims(e.g., user study, system 
evaluation, computationalanalysis).

IUI topicsof interestinclude, butare notlimited to:

Human-centeredAI methods, approaches, and systems

* ExplainableAI methods

* Democratizationof AI

* Persuasive technologiesin IUI

* Privacy and security of IUI

* Recommendationsin IUI

* Knowledge-basedapproachesto user interfacedesign and generation

* User modellingfor intelligentinterfaces

* User-adaptiveinteraction and personalization

* IUI for crowdcomputing and human computation

* Human control in dailyautomations


* Interactive machine learning

* Human-in-the loop AI testing and debugging

* Human-centeredrecommendationand recommendersystems

* Generative models

* Human-in-the-loop reinforcementlearning

* Intelligentuser interfacesfor generative AI

Innovative User Interfaces

* Affectiveinterfaces

* Intelligentaestheticinterfaces

* Intelligentcollaborative interfaces

* IntelligentAR/VR interfaces

* Intelligentvisualizationand visual analytics

* Intelligentwearable and mobile interfaces

* Intelligenttangibleinterfaces

* Intelligentconversationalinterfaces


* Embodiedagents

* MultimodalAI assistants

* Intelligentmultimodalinterfaces

* Evaluationsof IntelligentUser Interfaces

* User experimentsand studies

* Reproducibility(includingbenchmarks, datasets, and challenges)

* Meta-analysis

* Mixed-methodsevaluations


* Educationand learning-relatedtechnologies

* Healthcare and wellbeing

* Automotive

* Assistive technologies

* Entertainment

* Workplacehappiness

* Social media

* Information retrieval

* Internet of things(IoT)

* Smart homes

* Generative AI

Large Language Models

* End-user interaction with LLMsand Multimodalmodels (e.g., chatbots, 
image generation)

* LLMsin the workplace

* TrustworthyLLMs

* Biasin LLMs

* The effectsof LLMsuse on creative tasks

* Personalizeduser interaction with LLMs

* Prompt Engineering

* User control and steering of LLMs(e.g. RLHF)

Lookingforwardto yoursubmissions!

IUI’25 Technical ProgrammeChairs

Luis Leiva, Davide Spano, KatrienVerbert

program2025@iui.acm.org <mailto:program2025@iui.acm.org>

IUI’25 General Chairs

Toby Li, Fabio Paterno, KaisaVäänänen

chairs2025@iui.acm.org <mailto:chairs2025@iui.acm.org>

Received on Thursday, 25 July 2024 10:49:15 UTC