[CFP] Third International ISWC Workshop on Semantic Industrial Information Modelling (SemIIM) - Deadline August 8

****  SemIIM  2024: 3rd International ISWC Workshop on Semantic Industrial
Information Modelling ****
Co-located with the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2024)  -
Nov 11, 2024 - Nov 15, 2024, Baltimore, USA


Information Modelling (IM) has been under the spotlight of both academia
and industry for decades. Important aspects of IM include methods and
practices of representing concepts, relationships, constraints, rules and
operations to specify data semantics for a chosen domain of interest. As a
response to the IM challenge a number of modelling paradigms and languages
arose and they range from ERM, UML, ORM to OWL and Knowledge Graphs and
come with a wide range of systems to support the life cycle of information

Despite the past success, existing approaches and systems for IM fail to
cope with new challenges of overwhelming global industrial digitalization
that requires advanced information models and aims at fully computerized,
software-driven, automation of production processes and enterprise-wide
integration of software components. Such trend and the technological and
industrial developments that come with it are an important part of Industry
4.0 and industrial Internet of Things. It requires IM that, for example,
allows to capture the functionality of and information flow between
different assets in a plant, such as equipment and production processes.
Moreover, it requires IM and models that are based on ISA and IEC standards
and have a number of desirable properties, e.g., reusable, explainable,
scalable, simulatable etc. Such IM should allow for seamless data sharing
and integration e.g., via data market places and across value chains.

These new challenges require new theory, methodology, best practice,
systems and this should be developed, shared, and discussed by a wire range
of stakeholders. In this workshop we aim at gathering researchers and
practitioners who work on addressing these challenges with the help of
semantic technologies. We in particular invite IM experts who are excited
and committed to push the frontiers of IM further and support modern
industry in its current technological transformation. In our workshop we
welcome novel methods, systems, solutions, experience, and practice for
semantic industrial information modelling.


The topics of interest of our workshop include but are not limited to the

- New concepts, languages, theories and methods for semantic information

- Tooling, applications, experience and best industry practice in energy,
manufacturing, logistics, etc.

- Ontology engineering for industry

- Combination of semantic IM with machine learning

- Semantics IM and ethics, privacy, security, trust, etc

- Explainability, usability, scalability of semantic IM

- Exploration, simulation, visualisation of semantic information modelks

- Tools to support life cycle of industrial information models

- Lessons learned or/and use cases around semantic information models


- Submissions must be in PDF, written in English, formatted in the
one-column style of the CEUR-WS format. An Overleaf page for LaTeX users is
available at https://www.overleaf.com/read/gwhxnqcghhdt. You can also
download an offline version with the style files from

- Full research papers (8-12 pages)

- Papers presenting negative results (8-12 pages)

- In Use and experience papers (8-12 pages)

- Position and vision papers (4-8 pages)

- Short research papers (4-8 pages)

- System/demo/in practice papers (4-8 pages)

- Industrial statement papers (2 pages)

- References do not count towards the page restriction.


Abstract Submission: 31 July 2024

Submission: 8 August 2024

Notifications: 4 September 2024

Early Registration: 11 September, 2024

Camera Ready: 25 September 2024


- Eduard Kamburjan, University of Oslo, Norway

- Arild Waaler, University of Oslo, Norway

- Baifan Zhou, Oslo Metropolitan University / University of Oslo, Norway

- Ernesto Jiménez-Ruiz, University of London, United Kingdom

Ernesto Jiménez-Ruiz
Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence

Department of Computer Science
School of Science & Technology
City, University of London

Received on Wednesday, 24 July 2024 09:37:43 UTC