Re: Moving a namespace

Dear Phil,

FYI, 303 like Cord stated, also documented in other terminologies;
The URI space defined in this document uses the syntax defined in _IETF RFC6570 URI Templates1<> . In addition, principals of good URI design were drawn from the W3C document _Cool URIs for the Semantic Web2<> , and _Designing URI Sets for the UK Public Sector3<> .
It should be further noted that, consistent with the advice of Tim Berners-Lee4<> , the http scheme is used for these URIs. Furthermore, to be consistent with the W3C's TAG resolution of ISSUE-145<> , since the URIs defined in this document identify _real-world objects and not information resources, resolving these URIs should not result in an HTTP response code of 200 ("OK") but rather, if anything at all, result in an HTTP response code of 303 ("See Other") to redirect to another URI that identifies a representation of the identified component. The intuition here is that it is not possible to return a real-world object (e.g. "The Eiffel Tower"), but only a representation of it (a picture, a geo-location, a Wikipedia page, etc.). In the same manner, it is only possible to return a representation of the identified SNOMED CT component, and not the component itself. Further discussion around this issue can be found in Section 4.4 Choosing between 202 and Hash6<> of the aforementioned W3C document _Cool URIs for the Semantic Web.

An nice reference of a mature multi-lingual healthcare terminology is SNOMED CT.
Many aspect could be of inspiration for GS1 (Terminology service, versioning, local extending, querying... of course it's overloaded by now)

SNOMED CT URI Standard<>
SNOMED CT URI Standard - URIs<>
Extensions Practical Guide<>
SNOMED International SNOMED CT Browser<>

Joris Lemay

From: Cord Wiljes
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2024 17:22
To: Phil Archer; Semantic Web
Subject: AW: Moving a namespace

Dear Phil,

yes 303. The reasoning behind this is: The URI denotes the beverage, and a beverage cannot be dereferenced, because it cannot be delivered via the internet. Therefore, if someone types the URI in a browser, a 303 ("See Other") is returned that refers to the URL of a HTML page that contains information about beverage. This has several advantages:
* A clear distinction between the URI that denotes the entity and the URL that describes the entity.
* The URI can remain stable over time, because it is an abstract name, that is not bound to ownership of a domain. The description can be moved flexible to any webserver.
* You can do content negotiation, i.e. deliver specific content depending on who is asking. Most importantly: deliver HTML to a human (Browser) and RDF to a machine (crawler).

If you are interested, you can find more info here:  (from: Tom Heath and Christian Bizer (2011) Linked Data: Evolving the Web into a Global Data Space (1st edition). Synthesis Lectures on the Semantic Web: Theory and Technology, 1:1, 1-136. Morgan & Claypool.

Best wishes,

Cord Wiljes
Wissenschaftlicher Referent

Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) e.V.
Albert-Nestler-Str. 13
76131 Karlsruhe
Tel. +49 721 988 994 24

Impressum & Datenschutz

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Phil Archer <>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 16. Juli 2024 16:53
An: Cord Wiljes <>; Semantic Web <>
Betreff: RE: Moving a namespace

Oh, interesting, thank you Cord. 303 not 301? It is a permanent move but I see the thinking, yes.


On Tuesday, July 16, 2024 3:33 PM, Cord Wiljes wrote:
Dear Phil,

here are my five cents: IMO, using a server-side redirect actually is best practice to solve this. The URI's should be kept stable, though. E.g. stays the URI of beverage, but visitors will now be redirected via redirect 303 ("See Other") to , i.e. the web page with information about beverage, formerly hosted at

Best wishes,

Cord Wiljes
Wissenschaftlicher Referent

Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) e.V.
Albert-Nestler-Str. 13
76131 Karlsruhe
Tel. +49 721 988 994 24

Impressum & Datenschutz

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Phil Archer <>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 16. Juli 2024 13:04
An: Melvin Carvalho <>
Cc: Semantic Web <>
Betreff: RE: Moving a namespace

Thanks Melvin,

That makes me feel a lot better about just redirecting to the new namespace and switching off the old one without worrying too much.

@Danbri - Setting up a specific domain wouldn't obviate the need to redirect from the old one! And is our long-term repository for lots of stuff. Heck, it even has a very familiar-looking URI management policy 😊

Thanks again


On Tuesday, July 16, 2024 11:51 AM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:

út 16. 7. 2024 v 11:52 odesílatel Phil Archer < <> > napsal:

        Dear all,

        I need some advice please. We want to move our vocabulary from <>  (where it's been since 2014) to <>  (where internal policy states it will remain). The question is: is there any reason not to just put in a simple redirect rather than trying, and perhaps failing to set up an alias? The problem is, unless you know better (please!) that an alias, would be established by a CNAME and that would apply to the whole of <>  which we absolutely don't want and can't do. We're just talking about everything below <> .

        So, in short: can we just do a redirect and have done with it? <>  uses redirects all the time.  Whether or not it's a best practice or even "allowed" I'm not 100% sure.  But its a common pattern.

Have a look at some of the name spaces there and how the redirects work.




        Phil Archer
        Web Solutions Director, GS1

        +44 (0)7887 767755

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Received on Wednesday, 17 July 2024 07:47:09 UTC