Re: Moving a namespace

On Tue, 16 Jul 2024 at 10:49, Phil Archer <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I need some advice please. We want to move our vocabulary from
> (where it's been since 2014) to (where internal policy
> states it will remain). The question is: is there any reason not to just
> put in a simple redirect rather than trying, and perhaps failing to set up
> an alias? The problem is, unless you know better (please!) that an alias,
> would be established by a CNAME and that would apply to the whole of
> which we absolutely don't want and can't do. We're just talking
> about everything below
> So, in short: can we just do a redirect and have done with it?

I recommend buying a domain name for it and perhaps closely related terms.
Otherwise when someone at GS1 gets it in their head to rebrand the org as
GS2030 or GS3.141 you won’t have a data problem.


> Thanks
> Phil
> ---
> Phil Archer
> Web Solutions Director, GS1
> +44 (0)7887 767755
> @philarcher1
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Received on Tuesday, 16 July 2024 10:43:50 UTC