[CfP] Workshop at ESWC 2024 on Semantic Technologies and Deep Learning Models for Scientific, Technical and Legal Data

Call for Papers

2nd Workshop at ESWC 2024 on Semantic Technologies and Deep Learning Models
for Scientific, Technical and Legal Data

Workshop: May 26th or 27th, 2024 - Hersonissos, Greece

Important Dates

Abstract Submissions: March 1st, 2024

Paper Submissions: *March 7th, 2024*
Notifications: April 4th, 2024
Camera-Ready Contributions: April 18th, 2024
Workshop: May 26th or 27th, 2024

All deadlines are 11:59 pm, AoE time (Anywhere on Earth).

Workshop Aims and Scope

The rapid growth of online available scientific, technical, and legal data
such as patents, technical reports has made the large-scale analysis and
processing of such data a crucial task. To benefit from the
scientific-technical knowledge present in such documents, e.g., for
decision-making or professional search and analytics, there is an urgent
need for analyzing, enriching, and linking such data by employing
state-of-the-art Semantic Web technologies and AI methods. To address the
challenges mentioned above, Semantic Web Technologies, Natural Language
Processing (NLP) techniques, Deep Neural Networks (DNN), and Large Language
Models (LLMs) must be leveraged in order to provide efficient and effective
solutions for creating easily accessible and machine-understandable data.
This workshop aims to bring together researchers and professionals from
these domains and provide a platform to engage in discussions, share ideas,
and foster collaborative research initiatives.

Workshop Keywords

Semantic Technologies - Deep Learning - Legal Data - Scientific Data -
Natural Language Processing - Knowledge Graphs

Workshop Topics

The workshop accepts contributions in all topics related to semantic web
technologies and deep learning focused (but not limited) to:

Data Collection


   Leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) for generating scientific,
   technical, and legal data.

   New tools and systems for capturing scientific, technical, and legal
   data such as scientific articles, patent publications, etc.

   Procedures and tools for storing, sharing, and preserving data.

   Collecting and sharing data sets such as benchmarks, etc.

   Pipelines and protocols to capture peculiarities from data.

   Employing Semantic Web Technologies to represent and preserve sensitive
   data in terms of ethics, privacy, security, trust, etc.

Novel Semantic Technologies for scientific, technical and legal data


   Ontologies and annotation schema to model such data.

   Annotation, linking, and disambiguation of the data.

   Knowledge graph construction.

   LLMs to generate metadata, vocabularies, ontologies, and semantic models
   for specific data.

Applications for patents, scientific, technical and legal data by
exploiting semantic technologies


   Applications based on Generative AI and LLMs.

   Exploiting knowledge graphs to drive document similarity, question
   answering, search etc.

   Recommender systems.

   Semantic content-based retrieval.

   Natural language processing techniques for classification,
   summarization, etc.

   Exploratory search using semantic technologies on scientific, technical,
   and legal data.

   Key enabling tools (also based on LLMs) for semantic technologies on
   specific data and domains.

   Lessons learned or/and use cases both from academia and industry around
   semantic models and LLMs for data in specific domains.


Submission Details


The submissions must be in English and adhere to the CEUR-WS one-column
template: https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/ (see Session 2: The New CEURART
Style). The papers should be submitted as PDF files to EasyChair
<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=semtech4stld24>. The review
process will be single-blind. Please be aware that at least one author per
paper must be registered and attend the workshop to present the work and
that ESWC is a 100% in-person conference.


   Full research papers (8-12 pages) should be clearly placed with respect
   to the state of the art and state the proposal's contribution in the
   application domain, even if presenting preliminary results. In particular,
   research papers should describe the methodology in detail, experiments
   should be repeatable, and a comparison with the existing approaches in the
   literature is encouraged.

   Short papers (5-7 pages) should describe significant novel work in
   progress. Compared to full papers, their contribution may be narrower in
   scope, be applied to a narrower set of application domains, or have weaker
   empirical support than that expected for a full paper. Submissions likely
   to generate discussions in new and emerging scientific, technical, and
   legal data areas are encouraged.

   Position or industry papers (3-5 pages) should introduce a new point of
   view in the workshop topics or summarize the experience of a group in the

   Extended abstracts (1-2 pages) should introduce an ongoing work that
   aligns with the main scope of the workshop.

Submissions should be at most the indicated number of pages, including any
diagrams and references.

Each submission will be reviewed by three independent reviewers based on
relevance for the workshop, novelty/originality, significance, technical
quality and correctness, quality and clarity of presentation, quality of
references and reproducibility.

The accepted papers will be available on the Workshop website. The
proceedings will be published in a CEUR-WS volume and consequently indexed
on Google Scholar, DBLP, and Scopus.


Workshop Chairs


Rima Dessi’


FIZ - Karlsruhe Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure

Email: rima.dessi@fiz-karlsruhe.de

Danilo Dessi’


GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences

Email: danilo.dessi@gesis.org

Hidir Aras


FIZ- Karlsruhe  Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure

Email: hidir.aras@fiz-karlsruhe.de

Francesco Osborne


Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University

Email: francesco.osborne@open.ac.uk




For general inquiries on the workshop, please send an email to

Received on Thursday, 11 January 2024 12:32:22 UTC