Re: user defined datatype in owl

You cannot define arbitrary custom datatypes in OWL, even if they 
correspond to a structure that can be decomposed into built-in datatypes 
like pairs of numbers, or vectors, or matrices, or lists etc.

However, it is possible to create datatypes that are restrictions of 
built-in datatypes (e.g., numbers lower or higher than a threshold), or 
unions, intersections or complements of any datatypes.

Such datatypes can be used as ranges of datatype properties.

So, complex numbers cannot be defined within OWL but the union of 
numerical datatypes (xsd:double, xsd:float, and xsd:decimal) can.

All of this is specified at

Note, however, that if you do not intend to use standard reasoners (or 
even do not intend to do reasoning in your use case application) over 
your data, then nothing prevents you from introducing literals like:

"12.5 + 4i"^^cdt:complex

It is also possible to extend OWL 2 reasoners to support such a 
datatype, but may not be trivial, especially in an optimised way.


Le 27/02/2024 à 16:37, a écrit :
> Hi,
> Is it possible in owl to:
>   * define user defined datatypes? for example, a complex number
>     datatype, which is not a built-in datatype and could be defined as
>     the couple [real part, imaginary part]. Another example is to define
>     a numerical-value datatype as the union of xsd:float, xsd:int,
>     xsd:short, xsd:long,...
>   * use these datatypes as the range of DataProperties?
> In case this is possible, which owl construct should I use to define them?
> Thank you in advance for your help,
> Fano
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Antoine Zimmermann
École des Mines de Saint-Étienne
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Received on Tuesday, 27 February 2024 19:11:06 UTC