- From: Peter Jones <h2cmuk@yahoo.co.uk>
- Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 16:56:33 +0000 (UTC)
- To: "semantic-web@w3.org" <semantic-web@w3.org>, Ansgar Scherp <mail@ansgarscherp.net>
- Message-ID: <721728441.11785328.1735318593313@mail.yahoo.com>
Dear Ansgar - and All, Thank you for this very useful resource, which I have posted and quoted from and may revisit in the the new year: Living document - "Semantic Web: Past, Present, and Future" https://hodges-model.blogspot.com/2024/12/sweb-past-present-future.html Best wishes for the new years to follow and your respective projects. Peter Jones Community Mental Health Nurse, Part-time Tutor and Researcher Blogging at "Welcome to the QUAD" http://hodges-model.blogspot.com/ http://twitter.com/h2cm On Monday 23 December 2024 at 20:46:08 GMT, Ansgar Scherp <mail@ansgarscherp.net> wrote: Dear Semantic Web community As the year ends, the question remains: How will the Semantic Web look in 2025? Together with Katja Hose, Maria-Esther Vidal, Gerd Groener, and Petr Škoda, we contributed this year an article titled "Semantic Web: Past, Present, and Future", see https://drops.dagstuhl.de/entities/document/10.4230/TGDK.2.1.3 to the new Diamond Open Access journal on Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge (TGDK, https://tgdk.org/). This primer has been a living document for 13 years; see the link for details! As many of us cannot resist checking emails over the break, I ask you to consider the question: What is our future in 2025? Many "classical" Semantic Web researchers have witnessed the rise of Linked Open Data, Freebase being bought by Google (largely seen as a big win), and the beginning and success of the Knowledge Graph era. Many of us have moved on to or added topics like graph representation learning, graph neural networks, language models, etc., to our research portfolio. So, how much of the classical topics are left? How much will come back? Should we work more on knowledge graph embeddings obeying OWL axioms? Shall we have federated queries not only over multiple data sources but also include hybrid queries using similarities in graph embeddings? In the current 2024 version of the primer, we include the latest W3C standards developed by the Semantic Web community. But we also explain the journey from the famous Linked Data principles via Knowledge Graphs to the hot topic of machine learning on graphs! *The article linked above is an invitation to contribute. Contact me if you are interested!* It will be updated from time to time. We like to receive your feedback, and perhaps you would like to contribute to a future version. Best wishes and happy holidays, Ansgar PS: For 2025, there is a plan to update the German version of the article in an introductory textbook on artificial intelligence. It will add Shallow Graph Embeddings, Graph Neural Networks, and the interplay of Knowledge Graphs and Language Models. Once ready, I plan to ping this back to the English version.
Received on Friday, 27 December 2024 16:56:47 UTC