Announcement: Volume 2, Issues 2+3 of TGDK published

Dear all,

We are very pleased to announce the publication of Volume 2, Issues 2 
and 3 of Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge (TGDK)! These issues 
include eight Resource Articles and two Research Articles on topics that 
span the scope of the journal, from benchmarks for graph neural 
networks, to novel OWL reasoners.

In collaboration with Dagstuhl Publishing and SWSA, TGDK articles are 
published under Diamond Open Access (no fees for authors nor readers), 
with the issues published today available at the following links:


We hope you enjoy!

For more information about TGDK, please see:

(Submissions also welcome!)

   Aidan, Andreas, Ian, Lalana, Uli
   TGDK Editors-in-Chief

On 2024-05-03 12:05, Aidan Hogan wrote:
> Dear all,
> We are very pleased to announce the publication of Volume 2, Issue 1 of 
> Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge (TGDK). This volume concludes 
> the Special Issue on "Trends in Graph Data and Knowledge", with five 
> additional survey and position articles relating to:
> * representing process descriptions;
> * stream reasoning;
> * semantic web: past, present and future;
> * logics for conceptual modelling;
> * knowledge engineering practices.
> As always, the papers are free for all to read:
> We hope you enjoy!
> Below you can find details of Volume 1 published last December, along 
> with more details about the journal:
> We once again thank Dagstuhl Publishing, SWSA and the Editorial Board of 
> TGDK for their support of the journal!
> Best regards,
>      Aidan Hogan, Ian Horrocks, Andreas Hotho, Lalana Kagal
>      TGDK Inaugural Editors-in-Chief
> On 2023-12-19 18:59, Aidan Hogan wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> We are very pleased to announce the publication of Volume 1, Issue 1 
>> of Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge (TGDK): a new Diamond Open 
>> Access journal that does not charge fees to authors or readers. This 
>> is made possible through the support of SWSA, and the low fees charged 
>> by Dagstuhl Publishing (the publishers of the journal).
>> Volume 1, Issue 1 of TGDK is available here:
>> It consists of 12 vision, survey and position papers that have been 
>> peer-reviewed and cover topics that, in the context of graph data and 
>> knowledge, include:
>> * autonomy, accountability and trust
>> * knowledge engineering
>> * knowledge evolution
>> * knowledge graph embeddings
>> * large language models
>> * life sciences
>> * machine learning
>> * multilinguality & low-resource languages
>> * ordinal data science
>> * rule learning
>> * structural summarization
>> * .. and more besides.
>> TGDK is a community-run initiative, and we'd like to take this 
>> opportunity to warmly thank all those involved in allowing us to reach 
>> this milestone! We also sincerely thank SWSA and Dagstuhl Publishing 
>> for their support, as well as the members of the SWSA Task Force who 
>> helped to set TGDK in motion.
>> For more information about TGDK, please see:
>> Our preface also provides some history and rationale relating to the 
>> initiation and running of the journal:
>> issue001/TGDK.1.1.1/TGDK.1.1.1.pdf
>> We hope you find interesting reading in the first issue of TGDK!
>> Best regards,
>>   Aidan Hogan, Ian Horrocks, Andreas Hotho, Lalana Kagal
>>   TGDK Inaugural Editors-in-Chief

Received on Wednesday, 18 December 2024 18:14:48 UTC