Open PhD position at KIT in Knowledge Graphs around Solid (Decentralised Data Ecosystems)

In the Web Science Group at Karlsruhe Insitute of Technology (KIT) in 
Karlsruhe, Germany, we have a PhD position open in the context of a 
German national project where we bring Solid to a B2B setting [1]. Thus, 
if you are interested in Knowledge Graphs, Solid, Decentralised Data 
Ecosystems, Web Architecture, identities, with a bit of cryptography and 
legal aspects, in a cool team, you may consider applying.

Applications have to be sent via the official job ad [2]. The deadline 
will get extended until the position is filled.

The salary is according to the German TV-L E13, which is roughly 50,000€ 
anually before tax.

Questions about the position can be asked to Tobias Käfer [3].


Received on Friday, 22 September 2023 12:51:09 UTC