[CFP] Knowledge Graph Summarization Workshop 2023 (co-located with K-CAP'23)

Dear all, 

The second edition of the Knowledge Graph Summarization (KGSum) workshop (https://kgsum.github.io/2023   ) is underway. This year it will be held within the Twelfth International Conference on Knowledge Capture K-CAP (https://www.k-cap.org/2023/workshops.html   ). 

The deadline is October 15 (23:59 AoE), 2023.

And the topics covered are: 
1) Use of Language Models for KG Summarization
 - Exploration of advanced methods for summarizing Knowledge Graphs (KGs) using language models.
 - Projects related to verbalizing facts expressed through subject-predicate-object triplets in KGs.
2) Automatic Generation of Textual Summaries as a Metric for KG Quality
 - Assessing the quality of Knowledge Graphs through the automatic generation of textual summaries
 - Integration of language models in measuring the quality of KGs.
3) Relevant KG Features to Synthesis
 - Identification of key attributes within KGs that are essential for generating summaries.
4) Special Metadata in KGs for Coherent Multi-Sentence Summary Generation
 - Leveraging metadata and special features within KGs to generate coherent multi-sentence summaries.
5) Extensions to current KG Formalisms for Improved Summary Support
 - Exploration of adaptations and extensions to KG formalisms for more effective support in summary generation.
6) Benefits of Incorporating Automatic Textual Summary Generation in KGs
 - Highlighting the advantages of integrating automatic summary generation into Knowledge Graphs.
7) Scope and Impact of KG Summaries
 - Evaluating the influence and relevance of KG summaries in various contexts.
 - Examining practical scenarios and applications of KG summaries across different domains.
8) Generating Adaptive Summaries from KGs to Cater to Diverse User Needs
 - Exploring how KG summaries can be personalized to meet the needs of various users and agents.
9) Importance and Role of KGs in Expressing Complex Ideas through Summaries
 - Emphasizing the crucial role of Knowledge Graphs in creating summaries that effectively convey complex ideas.
10) How KGs in Conjunction with Textual Summaries Can Enhance Question-Answering (QA) Systems
 - Investigating how the combination of KGs and textual summaries can be leveraged to improve Question-Answering (QA) systems.
The accepted papers will have the opportunity to submit an extended version in a Semantic Web journal's special issue.

We hope you find it interesting and can send us your recent work.


Carlos Badenes-Olmedo,
On behalf of the KGSum organization
Carlos Badenes-Olmedo
Assistant Professor (Ayudante Doctor)
Office 1304
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos. 
Calle de Alan Turing, s/n. (Campus Sur)
28031, Madrid, SPAIN
✉ carlos.badenes@upm.es <mailto:carlos.badenes@upm.es>
✆ +34 910 67 35 20 <tel:+34-910-67-35-20>
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Received on Tuesday, 12 September 2023 11:47:03 UTC